
假如没有互联网 ...
这就是六度分割理论,也叫小世界理论。( Six Degrees of Separation)

这种现象,并不是说任何人与其他人之间的联系都必须通过六个层次才会产生联系,而是表达了这样一个重要的概念: 任何两个素不相识的人,通过一定的方式,总能够产生必然联系或关系。显然,随着联系方式和联系能力的不同,实现个人期望的机遇将产生明显的区别。

Before the Internet, you would just sit in an armchair with a book open on your lap, staring into space or staring at a decorative broom on the wall—kind of shifting back and forth between those two modes of being.

Before the Internet, you might take it upon yourself to do a drawing. You’d quietly start sketching something in a notebook, not sure what it was, but you’d let inspiration guide you and then—woop!—turns out you’d drawn a squiggly alligator with a cockeyed approach.
在互联网之前,你可以自己去画图。 你会悄悄地开始在笔记本上画画,不知道画的什么,但是你会让灵感引导你。然后,噢!最后你会画出来来一条歪歪扭扭的波浪形的鳄鱼。
Before the Internet, you’d have yawning summer afternoons when you’d flop down on one couch, then flop down on another, then decide to craft a fake F.B.I. card. You’d get some paper from your dad’s office, copy the F.B.I. logo and your signature, laminate it with Scotch tape, put it in your wallet, take it out of your wallet, look at it, then put it back in your wallet with a secretive smile.It was a heady time!
在互联网之前,你会在沙发上翻来覆去,你会在夏日的下午打哈欠,然后在另一张沙发上打滚,然后决定制作一个假的F.B.I卡。 你会从父亲的办公室拿一些纸,抄F.B.I. 标志和你的签名,用透明胶带贴住它,把它放在你的钱包里,从钱包里拿出来,看看它,然后又放回你的钱包里,脸上露出一丝神秘的微笑。这是一个令人兴奋的时刻!

Before the Internet, you could laze around on a park bench in Chicago reading some Dean Koontz, and that would be a legit thing to do and no one would ever know you had done it unless you told them.

About ten minutes in, you’d say you needed some water, then wander up to the kitchen, where you’d get caught up staring at a refrigerator magnet. Then, for no reason, you’d do a little dance. You’d wonder if you should expand that dance right then and there. “Maybe I’ll direct music videos,” you’d say to yourself. But you’d have no way to follow up or to look it up; you’d just be standing in the deafening quiet of your kitchen at midday, alone with your thoughts.
大约十分钟后,你需要一些水,然后晃悠到厨房,在那儿盯着冰箱磁铁。然后,无缘无故的,你跳了一会儿舞。你会想自己要不要立即跳舞。 “也许我会打开音乐视频,”你会对自己说。 但你无法紧接着马上打开它; 你只是站在及其安静的厨房,独自思考。

“Should I test out these pens on this turquoise pad?” you’d ask yourself, staring at some pens by the phone. Instead, you’d take a sip of your drink and say, “Aah,” like a person in a commercial. Then you’d go do that in front of a mirror, to see how it looked. Because that’s what it was like before the Internet. You made your own fun.
“我应该在这个绿松石垫上试用这些笔吗?”你会问自己,拿着电话盯着笔。 相反,你会喝一口饮料,说,“啊,”我像一个商务人士。 然后,你会在镜子前做这件事,观察自己的样子。 因为这就是互联网出现之前的情况。你自己创造乐趣。

New Words:
squiggly ['skwɪgli] adj. 弯弯曲曲的
alligator ['æləˌɡetɚ] n. 短吻鳄(产于美国及中国);短吻鳄皮革;鳄口式工具vi. 皱裂;裂开adj. 鳄鱼般的;鳄鱼皮革的;鳄鱼皮纹的
cockeyed ['kɑk,aɪd] adj. 斗鸡眼的;歪的;荒唐的
flop down [flɑp] vt. 笨拙地抛下;扑通放下;拍(翅)vi. 失败;扑拍;扑通落下;笨重地摔n. 失败;砰然落下;拍击声adv. 扑通一声;恰巧
laminate ['læmɪnət] vt. 将锻压成薄片;分成薄片vi. 分成薄片n. 薄片制品;层压制件
heady ['hedɪ] adj. 兴奋的;任性的;性急的;顽固的;使人头晕的;令人陶醉的
legit [lɪ'dʒɪt] adj. 合法的n. 正统剧;正统剧院
deafening ['dɛfnɪŋ] adj. 震耳欲聋的;极喧闹的v. 使…聋(deafen的ing形式)n. 隔音
turquoise ['tɝkwɔɪz] n. 绿松石;蓝绿色adj. 蓝绿色的
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