城市经济学源于von Thünen等人在19世纪提出的古典区位论。本课程从古典区位论开始,介绍本学科的理论发展和相关文献。城市经济学使用经济学分析工具研究城市的空间结构和城市的经济发展,涉及区域经济增长,集聚经济,城市与城市体系,房地产市场,城市环境以及区域经济政策等问题。本课程主要关注并研究中国区域经济的政策与实践。
城市与区域经济学的实证分析常常都涉及到空间数据的处理与分析,需要借助ArcGIS, Python和R等软件。本课程设计加入了实践教学的环节,拟通过模拟实证分析,使得学生可以掌握空间数据的处理与计量分析的实用方法。本公众号主要推送实践教学环节的相关资料。
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Brülhart, M., Carrère, C. and Robert-Nicoud, F. (2018). 'Trade and towns: Heterogeneous adjustment to a border shock'. Journal of Urban Economics, 105, 162-175.
Chen, Y., Jin, G. Z., Kumar, N. and Shi, G. (2013). 'The promise of Beijing: Evaluating the impact of the 2008 Olympic Games on air quality'. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 66, 424-443.
Faber, B. (2014). 'Trade Integration, Market Size, and Industrialization: Evidence from China's National Trunk Highway System'. The Review of Economic Studies, 81, 1046-1070.
Fu, S. and Gu, Y. (2017). 'Highway toll and air pollution: Evidence from Chinese cities'. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 83, 32-49.
Fu, S., Viard, B. and Zhang, P. (2017). 'Air quality and manufacturing firm productivity: Comprehensive evidence from China'.
Muehlenbachs, L., Spiller, E. and Timmins, C. (2015). 'The Housing Market Impacts of Shale Gas Development'. American Economic Review, 105, 3633-59.
Pinkovskiy, M. L. (2017). 'Growth discontinuities at borders'. Journal of Economic Growth, 22, 145-192.
Saiz, A. (2010). 'The geographic determinants of housing supply'. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 125, 1253-1296.
周颖刚,蒙莉娜和卢琪. 高房价挤出了谁?——基于中国流动人口的微观视角.《经济研究》, 2019年第09期。