
大德洛米奥 我可没有看见,可是她嘴里的气息热辣辣的,大概就在那里。
大安提福勒斯 美洲和西印度群岛呢?
大德洛米奥 啊大爷!在她的鼻子上,她鼻子上的瘰疬多得不可胜计,什么翡翠玛瑙都有。西班牙热辣辣的气息一发现这些宝物,马上就派遣出大批舰队到她鼻子那里装载货物去
-Faith, I saw it not: but I felt it hot in her breath.
Where America, the Indies?
-O, sir, upon her nose, all o'er embellished with rubies(红宝石), carbuncles(红玛瑙/脓包双关), sapphires(蓝宝石), declining their rich aspect to the hot breath of Spain, who sent whole armadoes of carrach to be ballast at her nose.

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