Michael, what is your biggest takeaway about 2020? My biggest takeaway from 2020? My takeaway from 2020, Trevor, is that we should take away 2020. Okay, this year was a total bust. We got nostalgic when we had to go to the dentist, OK? We should take 2020, put it in a dumpster, light it on fire, and walk away as it explodes behind us. Hey you know what, Michael, I hear you man, but I do think we should try to figure out what we can learn from 2020, like we can’t just pretend it never happened, you know. Actually, Trevor, that’s exactly what we should do. What? We should pretend 2020 never happened? Yeah, let’s all agree, right here and now, as a planet that 2020 didn’t happen. Nothing that happened in 2020 counts. Nothing during 2020 is important. We just skip over the whole year. We’re taking one big collective mulligan, control alt delete, force quit, drop 2020 off at the mall, tell it we’ll be back in an hour and then move to another state. Cause, we can’t just skip 2020, how would that even work? Uh, it’s pretty simple, Trevor, if you lost you job in 2020, you go back to work tomorrow. If you got evicted in 2020, you walk back into your apartment, it’s yours again. If you got married in 2020, you now divorced, if you got divorced in 2020, you know married. If you donated a kidney, you go back and get that kidney. If you adopted a dog, you go back to the shelter, if you got circumcised in 2020… We get it, we get it, but that doesn’t work for everything, like what about school? So everyone just repeats a grade again? Yeah, what’s the problem? You think everyone learned anything from removing learning? The only education children got his year was seeing that a teacher’s salary can only afford you a studio apartment. I mean look at me, I repeated grade after grade, and I’m as smart as I ever did.