MRI Physics:表面扩散系数(译)
原著:Mark Hammer
I = I0 * e-b * D, where I0 depends on T2 characteristics

Hagmann P, et al. 'Understanding Diffusion MR Imaging Techniques: From Scalar Diffusion-weighted Imaging to Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Beyond.' Radiographics 26(S1): S205.
Koh D, et al. 'Intravoxel Incoherent Motion in Body Diffusion-Weighted MRI: Reality and Challenges.' Am J Roentgenol 188(6): 1622.
Dietrich O, et al. 'Technical aspects of MR diffusion imaging of the body.' Eur J Radiol 76: 314.
'Chemical Shift: Phase Effects.' MRI-Questions - discussion about exaggeration of chemical shift in EPI sequences
If you are interested in the original (highly technical!) paper on DWI: Stejskal EO and Tanner JE. 'Spin Diffusion Measurements: Spin Echoes in the Presence of a Time Dependent Field Gradient.' J Chem Phys 42 (288): 288