没用的 ,别勉强了,不爱就是不爱。
It's no use, don't force it, don't love is don't love.
很多事情 ,错过了 就回不去了和努力无关。
Many things, missed can not go back, and efforts have nothing to do.

If you want to be happy, don't be too sober
A relationship doomed to failure, if you insist on it, you will be beaten in the face by life.

No matter how much love you once had, if it is over, you should learn to dry your tears and look forward. To give up a wrong relationship in time is also the best blessing to yourself.
Do not disturb, do not see, do not look back, do not miss. It's my last tenderness to you.

我肯定跟你走 没有船票我同你游
I'm sure I'll go with you. I'll swim with you without a ticket
想借银河的座机 ,在星海里传递爱意 。
I want to pass my love in the sea of stars by the plane of galaxy.

每个人都很特别 ,你也不例外 。
Everyone is special, and you are no exception.
In fact, love is not so complicated, but find a person to die, that makes you laugh, is the right person.

想与你分享目之所及的所有美好 。
I want to share with you all the good things I can see.
我瞒着宇宙山河 ,悄悄想了你一下 。
I thought about you in secret from the universe.

All fit is mutual accommodation and change between two people, there is no natural fit of two people, two people working in the same direction, is the best love.
纵使生活没那么容易,我还是想把你放在未来里,一生欢喜 不为世俗所及。
Even though life is not so easy, I still want to put you in the future, the joy of life is beyond the reach of the secular.

互相惦记的人 见面才有意义
Meeting people who miss each other is meaningful
我和我的猫都很想你,可我没有猫 也没有你。
My cat and I miss you very much, but I don't have a cat or you.