
Allergens, like pollen, are nothing more than foreign plant antigens. The stimulus for sneezing gets triggered when allergens first enter the nasal tissue. Pollen allergens encounter the plasma cells in the nose, which respond by producing antibodies. These antibodies attach to mast cells, which are white blood cells containing the chemical histamine. As more antibodies are produced, they cause the mast cells to release histamine. Histamine then produces allergy symptoms. A stuffy and runny nose, sneezing and watery eyes help to remove the invading pollen. Medications called antihistamines may be used to help alleviate severe allergy symptoms.


Allergens, like pollen, are nothing more than foreign plant antigens.  过敏原,如花粉,只不过是外来植物抗原。

pollen /ˈpɑːlən/n. 花粉

sneezing /'sni:ziŋ/n. 打喷嚏v. 打喷嚏(sneeze 的现在分词)

plasma cells浆细胞/ˈplæzmə/n. [等离子] 等离子体;血浆

mast cells肥大细胞 /mæst/n. 桅杆;柱;橡树果实

histamine/ˈhɪstəmiːn/n. [生化] 组胺

stuffy /ˈstʌfi/adj. 闷热的;古板的;不通气的

watery eyes流眼水;水汪汪的眼睛

invading pollen入侵的花粉 /ɪn'vedɪŋ/


antihistamine  抗组胺

alleviate /əˈliːvieɪt/vt. 减轻,缓和





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