F9 全套笔记大合集
Part A Financial Management and Financial Objectives
1.Three key decisions 财务管理的三大决策
Capital assets (考虑return&risk)
Working capital (balance the risk of insolvency against the cost of funding)
2)Finance (需要融资多少totally funding required,从哪儿融资internally vs. externally,用债还是权益debt vs. equity,长短期long term vs. short term)
3)Dividend decision (发不发?发多少?何形式?影响因素:profitability, cash flow, growth, legal restriction, shareholder expectation)
2.Corporate objectives
--Financial objectives
1)Shareholder wealth maximization(最基本,首要)
2)Maximizing profit
shareholder wealth maximization 和Maximizing profit不同的方面:
long term vs. short term issues, quality of earnings, profit does not equal to cash
3)Earnings per share growth
4)Other financial objectives
(eg. Restriction on the company’s level of gearing, profit retention, a target for operating profitability)
--Non-financial objectives
*market share increase is a non-financial object
3.Stakeholders 利益相关者
--Agency theory
--agency problem
The divorce of ownership and control
--Conflict of interest
Time horizon
1)Managerial reward schemes
Performance related pay
Rewarding managers with shares
Executive share option plans(ESOPS)
Goal congruence
Improve staff motivation and retention 保留 and thus lower expensive staff turnover costs
不一定能创造extra share value
2)Regulatory requirements
Corporate governance (内治)(目标和规则?)
Stock exchange listing regulations(外治)
4.Not for profit organization
Value for money
Economy given output, input最小化
Efficiency given input, output最大化
Effectiveness goals are achieved
Part B Financial Management Environment
1.Economic policy
--The principle objectives
1)Full employment
2)Price stability
3)Economic growth/living standard
4)Balance of payments (exports and imports)
--Economic policies
Rate of interest
Money supply
Government spending
3)Exchange rate
4)External trade
2.Competition policy
Fair Trading Act
The Competition Commission
25% or more of market share
3.Green policy
Public/local communities
Investments funds
4.Financial market and institutions
--Financial intermediaries
--Financial markets classifications
1)Capital markets and money markets
(interest bearing instrument, discount instruments and derivatives 衍生产品)
2)Exchange markets and over the counter
3)Primary and secondary markets

Part F Business Valuation
1.Capital market efficiency
1.1Market efficiency hypothesis
1)operational efficiency
2)allocative efficiency
3)information processing efficiency
1.2Different forms of market efficiency
1)The weak form
Historical information, random
2)The semi-strong form
Historical and all publicly available information
3)the strong form
All available information, whether public or private
1.3Technical and fundamental analysis
1)Technical analysis
Predict future share price and share price trend, clear implying that a relation between past and future prices
2)Fundamental analysis
Use public information to calculate a fundamental value and then offers investment advice by comparing the fundamental value with the current market price
1.4Anomalies 反常现象 in the behavior of share price
1)the calendar effect
2)size anomalies (market capitalization) (小公司成长空间大)
3)value effects
4)noise trader噪音交易者
2.Valuationof business
2.1When stock market is efficient
Market capitalization=market price of share*no.of share
2.2When stock market is not efficient
方法一:Net asset valuation (NAV) 净资产(equity)估值法
E=book value of net asset±adjustment
方法二:Price/Earning(P/E) ratio method市盈率法
Value of E=P/E ratio * (profit after tax+ constant synergy 协同效应 after tax)
Value of share=P/E ratio * EPS
方法三:Earning yield 收益率法
Earning yield=EPS/share price
Share price=EPS/earning yield
方法四:The dividend valuation model 股利定价模型
Dividend no growth: E=D0/Ke
Dividend constant growth: E=D0(1+g)/(Ke-g)
方法五:Free cash flow (FCF) 净现金流
注意要减去债权人的钱 Value of equity=corporate value-market value of debt
Discount rate (use target company’s WACC) corporate value=FCF discount @WACC
The FCF is the best valuation model because it is based on the future cash flow and the risk associated with the cash flow
Part G Risk Management
Interest rate risk
Foreign exchange rate risk
1.Interest rate risk
Risk of adverse movement in interest rates and thus a reduction in the company’s net cash flow
1.1 Basic risk 基准风险
Interest future rates do not normally move by exactly the same amount as the cash market rates, so the difference becomes the basis risk.
1.2 Gap exposure 时间不匹配
资产和负债的interest rate 可能基于不同时间基础
1.3 The cause of interest rate fluctuations
The term structure of interest rate yield curve& changing economic factors
Normally, the longer the term to maturity, the higher the rate of interest
Expectations Theory期望理论
If interest rates are expected to rise in the future, the yield curve will slope upwards.
Liquidity preference theory (always pushes upward) 流动性偏好理论
投资者喜欢流动性好的àthe longer the maturity period, the higher the yield required leading to an upward sloping curve
Market segmentation theory 市场分割理论
短期steep curve
长期 flatter curve
“wiggle” in the middle
Other factors affecting the interest rates
Risk (need for real return)
The size of the loan
Government policy
Liquidity preference of investors and the demand for borrowing
Balance of payments
1.4 Interest rate risk-management
Internal methods
1)Matching (liabilities and assets with a common interest rate are matched)
2)Smoothing (company keeps a balancebetween its fixed and floating rate borrowing)
3)Asset and liability management (Companies attempt to match the duration of their asset and liability)
External methods
--“Overthe counter” market 柜台市场
1)Forward rete agreement (FRA) 远期利率协议
To lock the company into a target rate interest rate
To hedge both adverse and favorable interest rate movement
2)Interest rate guarantees (IRGS) 利率担保
It is an option. 可行使也可不行使
It protects the company from adverse movements and allows it take advantage of favorable movements.
3)Interest rate swap利率互换
Swap a floating stream of interest payments for a fixed stream of interest payments
No exchange of principal 本金不交换
4)Interest rate collar 利率两头封
一头封:interest rate cap (set a ceiling)
Interest rate floor (set a lower limit)
--Exchange traded instrument 证券市场
1)Interest rate future 利率期货
Make a deposit: 先买后卖
Make a loan: 先卖后买
记住:A borrower always sell future.
2)Interest rate option 利率期权
A call option看涨期权 gives the holder the right to buy the future contract
A put option 看跌期权gives the holder the right to sell the future contract
2.Exchange rate risk
记住:出口>进口 本币升值
出口<进口 本币贬值(因为要多印钱去付款)
2.1 The Main exchange rate system
1)Fixed exchange rates
2)Floating exchange rates
①freely floating exchanging rates (clean floating) 由市场决定
②managed floating exchange rates (dirty floating) 市场&政府
2.2Types of currency risk
1)transaction risk 交易风险(只有这个是要管而且管得了的)
2)economic risk 经济风险
3)translational risk 折算风险
2.3 Hedging transaction risk
The minor technique
1)invoice in home currency 发票只收本币
2)leading and lagging 提前或之后
The major technique (重点!)
1)forward contract 远期汇率市场
Lock an exchange rate today for buying orselling a specified currency in future
2)money market hedge 货币市场
Eg. 本币英镑,三个月后付美元X
Eg. 本币英镑,三个月后收到美元X
3)currency future 货币期货
4)traded currency options 货币期权
5)currency swap
6)balance sheet hedging
2.4 Forecast exchange rates 预测汇率
1)balance of payment 国际收支平衡
2)purchasing power parity theory (PPPT) 购买力平价理论
Current spot rate * (1+ inflation 1st)/(1+inflation2nd)=future expected spot rate in one year’s time
3)interest rate parity theory (IRPT) 利率平价理论
Current spot rate * (1+interest 1st)/(1+interest2nd)=forward rate in one year’s time
4)expectations theory 期望理论
5)the international fisher effect 费雪理论
(1+nominal rate) * (1+inflation rate)-1=real interest rate
假设所有国家have the same real interest rate
The four theory can be pulled together to show the overall relationship between spot rates, interest rates, inflation rates and the forward and expected future rates.