A fracture involving a joint may severely damage the articular cartilage and give rise to post-traumatic osteoarthritis within a period of months. Even if the cartilage heals, irregularity of the joint surface may
cause localized stress and so predispose to secondary osteoarthritis years later. If the step-off in the articular surface involves a large fragment in a joint that is readily accessible to surgery, intra-articular osteotomies and re-positioning of the fragment may help. Often though the problem arises from areas that were previously comminuted and depressed – little can be done once the fracture has united.
Malunion of a metaphyseal fracture may radically alter the mechanics of a nearby joint and this, too, can give rise to secondary osteoarthritis. It is often asserted that malunion in the shaft of a long bone (e.g. the tibia) may act in a similar manner; however, there is little evidence to show that residual angulation of less than 15 degrees can cause proximal or distal osteoarthritis.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》P687-688
OSTEOARTHRITIS /ˌɑːstioʊɑːrˈθraɪtɪs/n. [外科] 骨关节炎
irregularity/ɪˌreɡjəˈlærəti/n. 不规则;无规律;不整齐
predispose to secondary osteoarthritis易于引发继发性骨关节炎
predispose /ˌpriːdɪˈspoʊz/vt. 预先处置;使…偏向于
secondary /ˈsekənderi/n. 副手;代理人adj. 第二的;中等的;次要的;中级的
intra-articular osteotomies and re-positioning of the fragment关节内截骨和重新复位骨折碎片
Often though the problem arises from areas that were previously comminuted and depressed 通常情况下,虽然问题是由以前粉碎和凹陷的部位引起的
radically /ˈrædɪkli/adv. 根本上;彻底地;以激进的方式
assert /əˈsɜːrt/vt. 维护,坚持;断言
residual /rɪˈzɪdʒuəl/adj. 剩余的n. 剩余物,残渣;残差