TE||Sunrise in Tokyo




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Sunrise in Tokyo


英文部分选自经济学人Finance and economics版块

Japan’s stockmarket is poised for a comeback


The big hair, shoulder pads, splashy videos and tinny recordings were hard to escape at the time. But where are the pop stars of the 1980s now? At an arena near you, most probably. Though the waists are thicker and the hair is thinner, the singers and their songs are recognisably the same. In their own minds, they are still big stars. It was the music business that got small.


No sub-genre of pop is so lamentable that it cannot be resold to the nostalgic. Might such marketing magic also be applied to Japan’s stockmarket? In the 1980s asset prices in Japan reached a level of excess that made the cocaine-addled pop stars of the era seem like choirboys. By 1990 the Nikkei index of stocks was trading at 60 times company earnings. Then came the fall. But after a long time in rehab, Japanese stocks are creeping back into the spotlight.


Like other mooted revivals, this one attracts plenty of scorn. Repeated attempts to call the bottom of the Japanese market have made fools of foreign investors. Japanese companies are not known for making shareholder returns a priority. And why invest in a country with an ageing and shrinking workforce? For these and other reasons, big global funds have been underweight Japan. But who can resist a comeback story? For the first time in years, Japanese companies are playing a tune that investors are able to whistle.



1.be underweight Japan :低估了日本

2.whistle :sb. can whistle for sth.(表示不给他人所要的东西)得不到,空指望

The key change is that listed firms in Japan are using shareholder funds more effectively. As a new report from analysts at Morgan Stanley points out, return on equity (ROE) has lagged well behind global standards for most of the past three decades. But since 2012 the gap has narrowed. Japan’s roe has doubled, to 9.8% (see chart). Much of the improvement can be traced to cuts in corporate taxes and a reduction in debt-servicing costs because of lower interest rates. But it is also down to better control of costs and the sweating of corporate assets.

关键转变在于日本上市公司能够更有效地利用股东资金。据摩根士坦利(Morgan Stanley)一项新报告表明,过去30年的大部分时间里,日本股本回报率(ROE)远远落后于全球标准。但2012年以来,这一差距逐渐缩小。日本市场ROE翻番,达9.8%(见图表)。这主要归功于日本降低公司纳税标准;并且低利率降低了借贷成本。而降低利率是为了更好地控制成本和公司资产消耗。

A healthier economy has helped, too. Deflation has ended. Nominal gdp has been growing steadily. And the job market is buoyant. Unemployment has fallen to 2.3%. The ratio of vacancies to jobseekers is the highest since the early 1970s. More women than ever are in the workforce—the female participation rate is higher than in America and above average for the OECD. Output per hour has recently grown faster in Japan than in any other G7 country, according to the Conference Board, a research group.

另外,日本经济发展日趋健康化也起了作用。通货紧缩期已经结束。名义GDP增长率稳步上升。就业市场活跃,失业率已降至2.3%。自20世纪70年代初以来,岗位空缺与求职人数的比率达历史新高。加入劳动市场的女性人数比任何时候都多,女性劳动力参与率高于美国,并且超过经合组织(OECD)成员国的平均水平。根据研究机构世界大型企业联合会(the Conference Board)提供的数据,最近日本每小时产值增长速度超过了G7其他任何成员国。


1. Nominal GDP:名义GDP,也称货币GDP,是用生产物品和劳务的当年价格计算的全部最终产品的市场价值。名义GDP的变动可以有两种原因:一种是实际产量的变动,另一种是价格的变动。也就是说,名义GDP的变动既反映了实际产量变动的情况,又反映了价格变动的情况。

2. buoyant.:有浮力的,上涨的(物理名词:浮力(英语:buoyancy 或 upthrust),物理学名词。一般指物理体在流体(包括液体和气体)中,各表面受流体(液体和气体)压力的差(合力)。浮力的单位是牛顿(N)。

Less noticed, perhaps, are changes at the company level. Corporate Japan remains a cosy place; the custom of cross-shareholdings, in which companies own equity stakes in each other, created a core of friendly stockholders who don’t rock the boat. But a recent spate of governance reforms has shaken things up a bit. The vast majority of companies now have at least two independent directors. There are more female board members. And firms are less likely now to schedule their shareholder meetings on the same day as each other—a tactic to deter awkward questions for managers.



1. Cross-shareholding:交叉持股,是指两个或两个以上的公司为了特定目的而相互持有股份。http://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-6608346-1-1.html

2. Rock the boat:兴风作浪,捣乱,破坏现状,多用与否定句。

3. A spate of:一连串,接二连三。

All this is encouraging. But it is easier to change Japan’s corporate culture than its demography. Investors wonder why they should put money into a country with fewer and fewer customers. The answer is that the market for Tokyo-listed firms is not confined to Japan. A survey commissioned by the Morgan Stanley analysts found that expanding into foreign markets was the primary strategic focus of Japanese firms. (Improving productivity was second.)



Japan’s Journey from Laggard to Leader (Morgan Stanley, 2018.9.11)


The firms themselves are investing. Private-sector capital spending has risen for seven consecutive quarters for the first time since the 1980s. In an economy with a shortage of labour, people are more likely to be open to automation. Japanese firms already hold sway in key parts of the robotics industry. Increased automation will help Japan close the roe gap with its peers by 2025, says Morgan Stanley. A higher premium on Japanese stocks would then be warranted.



Hold sway:支配,统治

Reaching that target would depend on Japan sticking with “Abenomics”, the expansionist policies of the prime minister, Shinzo Abe. It would also require buy-in from global fund managers. They are used to thinking of China and other emerging markets as the alternatives to investing in America, passing over Japan and Europe as has-beens.


But fashions change, in investing as in popular culture. Time in the wilderness can be used to great effect. In order to have a comeback you must first have a setback—a wise observation by that icon of 1980s popular culture, Mr. T.


注: T先生(Mr. T),本名Laurence Tureaud,曾在80年代热播电视剧《天龙特攻队》饰演“怪头”,在1982年拍摄的卖座电影《洛奇III》中出演克拉伯,在这两部作品中都有不俗表演而名声大噪。他还在1985年跨界进入摔角行业,并且入选了WWE名人堂。曾因作为演员而被职业摔跤手所歧视,然后最终却入选了WWE名人堂。(个人理解:如此的传奇经历可以解释文末的那句 in order to have a comeback you must first have a setback)




Leon,  男,金融专业研究生,经济学人铁粉

Lucia ,女,翻译学硕士三年制,经济学人粉丝
















最近刚读完Animal farm,里面有这样一段描述:Reading out the figures in a thrill,rapid voice,he proved to them in detail that they had more oats,more hay,more turnips than they had had in Jone’s day……数据有不同的统计口径,在不同的阶段有不一样的参考价值。量化确实有助于分析问题,引导解决问题,但也没有必要为了数据而追求数据。好的数据应该是尽可能反应真实状况的。所以即使中国经济接下来的成绩单不好看,也没有必要过于悲观。

让中国经济冷静一下,未尝不是好事一件。说起中国现在的状态,很多人不约而同地说出一个词——浮躁。贩卖焦虑也好,共享单车的昙花一现也罢,上海地铁口的彩票摊和鸡血标语都有着汲汲营营的中国人的身影。正如,日本在这沉寂的二十多年里,通过不断地摸索和尝试,使经济变得更健康。蜕变的阵痛总好过于固步自封的自我麻醉。就像文中最后一句写的:“Time in the wilderness can be used to great effect. In order to have a comeback you must first have a setback……”



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