医学影像英语每日读丨71.Arteriovenous Malformation



A 36-year-old woman presents to the neurologist with complaints of worsening right-sided headaches, blurry vision, and right-sided arm weakness for the past six months.

MRI: In the posterior cortical and subcortical right temporal lobe, there are prominent serpiginous flow voids that demonstrate enhancement and measure approximately 1.9 x 1.2 x 1.1 cm, consistent with an arteriovenous malformation. The brain parenchyma is otherwise unremarkable. Ventricles, sulci, and cisterns are normal in size and symmetric. Calvarium is normal. Orbits are unremarkable.

Angiogram: There is a 1.8 x 1.3 x 1.3-cm arteriovenous malformation in the posterior right temporal lobe. The arteriovenous malformation is supplied by arterial feeders from distal right middle cerebral artery (MCA) branches. There is superficial drainage into the superior sagittal sinus and right transverse sinus.

The angiographic appearance of the right supraclinoid internal carotid artery and right anterior cerebral artery is unremarkable. The angiogram has normal parenchymal and venous phases. There is no evidence of high-grade focal intracranial stenosis. The left common carotid artery and right vertebral and right common femoral artery also were selected and found to be unremarkable in course and appearance.

Diagnosis: Small right posterior temporal arteriovenous malformation.

1. Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) 动静脉畸形,动静脉型血管畸形

arteriovenous [ɑ:tɪəri:oʊvi:'naʊs] adj. 动静脉的,连接动静脉的

2. blurry [ˈblə:ɪ] adj. 模糊的; 污脏的,污斑的

3. posterior [pɑ:ˈstɪriə] adj. 后面的; (时间上) 较晚的; 在后的; 尾部的; n. 身体后部,臀部

4. cortical ['kɔ:tɪkl] adj. 皮层的,皮质的,有关脑皮层的

5.  temporal lobe [ˈtɛmpərəl lob] 颞叶

6. serpiginous  [sə'pɪdʒənəs] adj. 匐行的

Of or being a skin lesion with a wavy or indented margin.

7. flow voids 流空

8. parenchyma [pə'reŋkɪmə] n. 实质,软组织

9. sulci [sʊlsɪ] 沟

10. cisterns ['sɪstənz] n. 脑池

11. calvarium[kæl'veri:əm] n. 颅骨

12. Angiogram ['ɑnjɪr'grɑm] n. 血管、淋巴管造影照片

13. distal [ˈdɪstəl] adj. 末梢的

14. drainage [ˈdrenɪdʒ] n. 引流

15. transverse sinus [trænsˈvə:s ˈsaɪnəs] 横窦

16. angiographic adj. 血管造影术的,血管照相术的

17. supraclinoid 锁骨上的

18. internal carotid artery [ɪnˈtɚnəl kəˈrɑtɪd ˈɑrtəri]  颈内动脉

19. anterior cerebral artery 大脑前动脉

middle cerebral artery 大脑中动脉

posterior cerebral artery 大脑后动脉

20. intracranial [ˌɪntrə'kreɪnɪrl] adj. 颅内的

21. stenosis [stɪ'noʊsɪs] n. 狭窄

22. common carotid artery 颈总动脉

23. vertebral [ˈvɚtəbrəl, vɚˈtibrəl] adj. 脊椎的; 椎骨的; 由椎骨组成的; 有脊椎的

24. common femoral artery 股总动脉


