歌曲《起风了》中文版由米果填词,原唱为买辣椒也用券。改编自高桥优谱曲、作词并演唱的歌曲《ヤキモチ》。喜欢三月的风,六月的雨,傍晚的太阳,和最好的你。可是,你总是让我等,却不说归期。中文歌曲的歌词不得不说非常具有诗意。愿你出走半生,归来仍是少年。你本无意穿堂风 偏偏孤倨引山洪,这样确切的爱,一生可能只有一次。起风了-买辣椒也用券日语原版《起风了》今天给大家带来的是英文版《起风了》—《Song of the wind》。唯美动听的旋律,也让人难以忘却。英文版《起风了》 《Song of the wind》Stuttering along the bumpy road, I feat短短的路走走停停So far I have climbed也有了几分的距离Wonder whether I have lost or myself behind不知抚摸的是故事 还是段心情In my gentle reverie,love can defeat the time也许期待的不过是 与时间为敌Again in my sight再次看到你In blue morning light微凉晨光里Your smile is so bright笑的很甜蜜Once is this life of game从前初识这世间I did mist my aim万般流连Believing farness would be tamed看着天边似在眼前Without any fear of going down in flame也甘愿赴汤蹈火去走它一遍Now I have tasted it all如今走过这世间When I recall万般流连My heart is bester by a high wall翻过岁月不同侧脸Just for your smile I can ’t resist but fall猝不及防闯入你的笑颜I dreamed to enter a fanciful gate我曾难自拔于世界之大Then encounter my dear soulmate也沉溺于其中梦话Bearing the weight不得真假Embracing fate不做挣扎Defying hate不惧笑话Years of bloom once wrote the best refrain我曾将青春翻涌成她Singing our love with no chian也曾指尖弹出盛夏Listen to your heart and just let it reign心之所动 且就随缘去吧Night bteeze gives Your gray hair a fond embrace晚风吹起你鬓间的白发All the scars leave without a trace抚平回忆留下的疤Your changing face你的眼中Of glad grace明暗交杂Lights this place一笑生花Drag yourself home in deepening twilight暮色遮住你蹒跚的步伐Draw yourself a dream as a flight走进床头藏起的画In this dream,you whisper with delight画中的你 低着头说话I Still feel amazed at the world gate我仍感叹于这世界之大Can’t help but think of that young date也沉醉于儿时情Bearing the weight不剩真假Embracing fate不做挣扎Defying hate无谓笑话I have buried the story of her我终将青春还给了她Together with that tuneful summer连同指尖弹出的盛夏What I treasure心之所动Might fade forever就随风去了Can love remember以爱之名The question and the answer你还愿意吗?