WATIC专访扎哈 · 哈迪德建筑设计事务|漫游建筑设计的数字化未来

Digital & Intelligent Technology Build a Smarter City


What does digital empowerment mean for the construction industry? How do you understand about the digitalization of the construction industry?
Satoshi Ohashi: The digitalization of the construction industry means more creativity and more quality control for the fabrication from the beginning of the concept until the completion of the construction this also allows to integrate new types of technology in the whole design process as well as the construction process where we can take that use digital tools to design but also use the same digital tools into the factories and control the making and assembly of projects or buildings.

丽泽SOHO模型 The model of Leeza SOHO
Credit:Zaha Hadid Architects
WATIC:我们对于这两个具有里程碑意义的地标建筑非常感兴趣——大兴国际机场和丽泽SOHO 去年在北京落成。从设计和施工角度 ,您认为这两个项目在科技数字领域实现了哪些突破?
We are very interested in these two landmarks - Daxing International Airport and Leeza SOHO were completed in Beijing last year. From the perspective of design and construction, what do you think these two projects have achieved in the field of technology and digital?
大桥谕:北京大兴国际机场和丽泽SOHO对在北京的我们来说是非常令人兴奋的项目,不仅仅是因为设计和施工的过程,更因为这两个项目都推动了数字设计、制造和施工的进程和技术。我们能够设计和控制建筑物的结构形态、功能规划、计划需求以及交通的流通和流动,从而控制项目的整体效率。数字化设计使我们能够最大限度地增加自然日光来呼应环境,从 3D 设计和概念工作到施工制造和完工,一切都是以数字化方式完成的。
Satoshi Ohashi: Beijing Daxing International Airport and Leeza SOHO were very exciting projects for us in Beijing, not only because of the design and construction, but because these two projects both push the possibilities and the technology of digital design, digital fabrication and construction. We were able to design and control the geometry of the buildings, the functional planning and programmatic requirements, as well as the circulation and flow of traffic so that we can control the overall efficiency of the project. The design responding to the environment by the maximizing the amount of natural day light everything was done digitally from 3-D design and concept work until the construction fabrication and completion.
大兴国际机场 Daxing International Airport
WATIC: 我们了解到在刚成立事务所之初,你们没有电脑,完全是手工绘图。您认为如果没有科技手段的介入,扎哈的理念和极具张力的现代感设计是否能依然存在?
We learned that at the beginning of the establishment of the design firm, you did not even have a computer, and you were drawing by hand. If there is no intervention of scientific and technological means, would Zaha Hadid’s ideas and the highly-tensioned modern design still exist?
Satoshi Ohashi: From the early days, our designs are inspired and always respond to the specific conditions and landscape. We are able to understand the relationship of things, the people, the city and nature all coming together. These flows and seamless language evolved to create new spatial organizations and new possibilities.

80年代伦敦“Studio 9”
Studio 9 London in the 1980s
Credit: Zaha Hadid Architects
Zaha Hadid Architects has been at the forefront of showing complex geometric structures with new materials. Would you like to share your experience and experience in selecting suitable materials for a specific project? How do these new materials promote the realization of "green buildings"?
Satoshi Ohashi: Zaha Hadid Architects has always been interested in integrating the use of new technologies and understanding complex geometries and organizational systems. We integrate the use of new materials, also while working in China because of the scale and the speed of development we have learned to understand what is needed to respond to these specific conditions required by the client, local governments, aspirations of the project, of course the budget and also responding to the environment. The integration of materials and fabrication technology allow us to design more green and sustainable buildings that can reduce energy consumption. By creating overhangs or screens in the façade to protect from the sunlight, wind or rain as well as terracing green spaces, and green landscapes allow for more ventilation and interaction spaces to be enjoyed by the people.

建筑模型 Archiecture Model
Credit: Zaha Hadid Architects
Let’s talk about the architectural design of the future. Do you think artificial intelligence (AI) will replace traditional design models soon?
Satoshi Ohashi: The issue about architecture design of the future and the use of artificial intelligence replacing our traditional ways of design is an interesting question. In the end, it is about the creativity and thinking that will not be replaced by the tools of artificial intelligence, however it allows us to speed up the data analysis, engineering, precise calculations and methods of understanding the designing of spaces and the relationship of things. The actual design thinking and sensibilities of human scale will not be replaced.

工作室早期的手稿Early manuscripts
Credit: Zaha Hadid Architects
在有非常多的设计单位,例如BIG,开始搭建自己的设计平台,增加动态数字体验,也称作“沉浸式设计”,扎哈·哈迪德建筑事务所有没有考虑搭建类似的平台?而这样的独立设计平台是否会对Adobe、Autodesk 公司等造成市场份额的冲击?这将对今后的设计板块带来怎样的变革?
Many design firms, such as BIG, they started to build their own design platform to increase the dynamic digital experience, also known as "immersive design". Have Zaha Hadid Architects considered about building a similar platform? Will such an independent design platform cause a market share impact on Adobe, Autodesk, etc.? In your opinion, what kind of changes will this bring to the design sector in the future?
大桥谕:是的,多年来,扎哈·哈迪德建筑事务所在公司培养了研究和设计团队能够将新的数字技术整合到整个设计过程中来。 我们同样也开发了 VR 及其分析技术,可以创造身临其境的设计体验和模拟,让我们能够更好地了解需求、要求及空间关系。 我们可以在虚拟现实如同现实一般模拟和创造新的空间和体验。 这不仅为新的设计方式创造了机遇,也同样为我们创造了一个可以分享这些经验的平台。
Satoshi Ohashi: Yes, Zaha Hadid Architects has developed over many years of research and design teams within the company that integrate new digital technologies within the whole design process. We have developed VR and analytics that create immersive design experiences and simulations that allow us to understand better the needs and requirements and spatial relationships. We can simulate and create new spaces and experiences, both in virtual reality as well as in physical reality. This will create new opportunities in new ways of not only design but also create a platform where we can share these experiences.

The yellow and green are flat materials,
occupying about 90% of the facade area,
and the blue and red parts are curved.
Credit: Zaha Hadid Architects
Expectations for the WATIC
I think this conference will help promote the new technology and advancement of the whole industry. New tools for the creative industry which will allow us to better understand and make better places and spaces for our live-work-enjoy lifestyles.
——大桥谕 Satoshi Ohashi
扎哈 · 哈迪德建筑设计事务所 总监
Director of Zaha Hadid Architects
The End