





3分钟学雅思· 第6季 ·第1期

新的一年已经来了,大家都在哪里跨年的呢,在全世界各个城市都有着不尽相同的庆祝方式,比方说伦敦,每年伦敦跨年的焰火表演可以说是非常经典的项目之一,当泰晤士河畔边的大本钟敲响零点的钟声,烟火也随之闪耀整个伦敦城。本期的三分钟学雅思,我们就来一起学习如何结合这道最新的雅思口语话题“Describe a beautiful city.”来一起学习如何描述伦敦的跨年吧!

∨《3分钟学雅思》第六季 第1期 点击观看

Describe a beautiful city.

You should say:

Where it is

How you know it

What it is famous for

And why you think it is a beautiful city.


London is often considered as the world’s leading global city and has been termed as the world’s most powerful, most influential and most visited city in the world, it is a diversified combination of culture and people integration. There are so many tourist attractions for people to visit there, especially the count down for the new year, You’ll want to do something to mark the occasion. An all-night party, a round of drinks and board games in the pub with friends, whatever lures you away from the TV and those Christmas leftovers.

If the fireworks and crowds are simply too much to bear through, new year’s day is rife with more wholesome possibilities. New year should absolutely be embraced, and I believe the beautiful, chilly London is the best place to celebrate our new year. A new year’s eve firework display is celebrated along the Victoria Embankment and south bank areas of the River Thames where the London eye and Big Ben are situated. The countdown is accompanied by the chimes of Big Ben. And a digital countdown timer projected onto the shell center. The fireworks are launched off the London Eye at midnight. It is so stunning that you would never regret it.


1. diversified integration 多元化的集成

2. rife adj. 普遍流行的,盛传的

3. embrace v. /n. 拥抱

4. Victoria Embankment 维多利亚港

5. launch off 开始,发射

