物权案例汇编 | 法宝双语案例

北大法律信息网 今天



Yao Zifan v. Shanghai Overseas Chinese International Education Service Co., Ltd. (appeal of case regarding dispute over service contract and compensation for property damage)
2. 绵阳骏祥电子设备有限责任公司与杨某某、程某某财产损害赔偿纠纷一案的再审民事判决书
Mianyang Junxiang Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd. v. Yang and Cheng (civil judgment for retrial of case regarding dispute over compensation for property damages)
Guangyuan Maocheng Trading Co., Ltd. v. Lanyu Railway Co., Ltd. (appeal of case regarding dispute over exploration right)


Yao Zifan v. Shanghai Overseas Chinese International Education Service Co., Ltd. (appeal of case regarding dispute over service contract and compensation for property damage)



[Judgment Abstract] 

If a party is detained and repatriated while studying abroad and requires the intermediary service institution to assume the liabilities for the breach of contract, but cannot prove that the intermediary service institution constitutes a breach of contract during the performance of the contract, and in addition, both parties have terminated the performance of the contract, it shall be determined that the intermediary service institution does not constitute a breach of contract and assume any liability for compensation.


[CLI Code] CLI.C.89997357(EN)


Mianyang Junxiang Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd. v. Yang and Cheng (civil judgment for retrial of case regarding dispute over compensation for property damages)



[Judgment Abstract]

As part of the burden of proof, applying for identification and appraisal is the litigant's action of supporting their claims and exercising their litigation rights. After a litigant makes an application, a people's court will entrust a qualified agency to conduct identification and appraisal. Therefore, if an identification and appraisal agency issues an appraisal report according to statutory procedures and methods as entrusted by a people's court, and a party provides no evidence for the invalidity of the appraisal report in the course of proceedings, the people's court should determine such an appraisal report as valid, according to law.


[CLI Code] CLI.C.15669605(EN)


Guangyuan Maocheng Trading Co., Ltd. v. Lanyu Railway Co., Ltd. (appeal of case regarding dispute over exploration right)



[Judgment Abstract]

After the parties brought action in the court regarding a dispute over compensation for the damage to exploration right arising from a railway construction project, the parties reached a settlement agreement on the amount of compensation during the court proceedings. This agreement should be binding upon the parties in accordance with the Contract Law. A people's court may deem the content of the settlement agreement agreed upon by the parties based on their true intention as a basis of judgment.


[CLI Code] CLI.C.11509289(EN)



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