
The Bears' Picnic


A mother bear and her two cubs lived in a big park. Many other animals lived there, too. They could all go anywhere they pleased in this park, and no one ever hurt them.


One day the mother bear took her cubs for a walk in the woods. She wanted to teach them how to find food.


She went sniffing along the ground, with the cubs behind her. Now and then she would turn over an old log, so that the cubs could find bugs and worms to eat.


All at once the mother bear grunted to the cubs in her gruff voice. They both stopped and were very quiet.


The mother bear stood up on her hind legs. My, how very tall she was! She was taller than a big man.


For a minute she kept very still. Then she turned round and round, sniffing and sniffing as she turned.


Mother bear smelled something very good. Her nose told her that there was a picnic not far away.


She grunted softly, telling the cubs to follow her. Then she began to walk so fast that the cubs could hardly keep up with her.


At the top of a hill the mother bear stopped and looked below. She grunted to the cubs again and started slowly down the hill.


The cubs thought it would be great fun to run down the hill. But as they started to run, mother bear gave them each a hard blow with her big paw and pushed them behind her.


She knew they would fall if they ran. You see, it is hard for bears to run down hill, because their hind legs are longer than their front ones.


A man, a woman, and three children were sitting on the ground and eating a picnic dinner. They had pie, cake, and all kinds of good things to eat.


Suddenly they heard a loud growl. They looked up and saw the three bears coming toward them.


"Run,run to the car!" Cried the man. The people was so frightened that they run away in left most of their picnic dinner to the bears.


Mother bear and the cubs began to eat as fast as they could. Bears like sweet things, and so mother bear started to eat a big white cake.


One cub sat down in a pumpkin pie and put candy in his mouth with both paws, just like a little boy.


Soon the pie, the cake, the candy, and the other good things were gone.


Mother bear looked round. One little cub had stuck his head into a can of ice cream and could not get it out. Mother bear gave the can a quick blow with her paw, and it went rolling away.


There was nothing more to eat. The bears' picnic was over.


"Come," grunted mother bear to her cubs, and away they went without even stopping to say "Thank you."


