(译诗) 托马斯·特朗斯特罗默诗选

《写与梭罗的五个诗节》(Five Stanzas to Thoreau) 【瑞典】 托马斯·特朗斯特罗默 (1931.4—2015.3)

又一个人逃离这沉重的城市, 它受饿的石头环。清澈和盐渍是 这些浸没所有难民头颅的流水。

寂静随一段缓慢的螺旋从大地 的脐窝中爬升,扎根这里,并生出 一片浓密的叶冠去荫蔽他 被太阳晒暖的门梯。

. 脚心不在焉地踢一朵蘑菇,雷雨云 在天边膨散。如小号般 树木扭曲的根系颤动,树叶 惊愕中飘散。

秋天狂野的经过是一件轻薄的斗篷, 不断拍动着直到,从冰霜灰烬里走出, 一众平静的日子再次前来,手脚 在泉水中沐浴。


没有人相信,你见过一处间歇喷泉, 像梭罗那样逃离淤滞的水井,而你知道 如何深深消失在你自己的绿丛。 狡猾,抱有希望。 2015.2

注:转译自May Swenson的英译本。网络版没找到,贴上另一个富尔敦的译本。


Five Stanzas to Thoreau

Tomas Transtromer Yet one more abandoned the heavy city’s ring of greedy stones. And the water, salt and crystal, closes over the heads of all who truly seek refuge. Silence slowly spiraling up has risen here from earth’s recesses to put down roots and grow and with its burgeoning crown to shade his sun—heated doorstep. * Kicks a mushroom thoughtlessly. Thunderclouds are piling on the skyline. Like copper trumpets crooked roots of trees are resounding, foliage scatters in terror. Autumn’s headlong flight is his weightless mantle, flapping till again from the frost and ashes peaceful days have come in their flocks and bathe their claws in the wellspring. * Disbelief will meet him who saw a geyser and escaped from wells filled with stones, like Thoreau disappearing deep in his inner greenness artful and hopeful.

translated by Robin Fulton


【瑞典】 托马斯·特朗斯特罗默 (1931.4.15—— 2015.3.27)

觉醒是从梦中向外跳伞。 摆脱了窒息的漩涡,策御者 朝向早晨的绿色地图沉落。 事物放大,他看到,从鼓翼云雀 的方位,树木庞杂的根须系统 像在地下吊分的灯盏。地面之上, 以热带的洪水,土地的苍翠 站立带着抬举的手臂,好像在聆听 无形活塞的节拍。而他 朝向夏天沉落,被降到 夏天炫目的喷火口,降到 太阳涡轮下面颤抖着的 潮湿绿色纪元的裂谷间。然后搁置 这穿越时光眨眼中向下的驱程,伸展的翅膀 化为奔流水上一段鱼鹰的滑行。 青铜时代的小号: 它们被放逐的曲调 静挂在虚空的上方。

在一天的最初时分知觉可以掌握世界 像一只手紧握一块晒暖的石头。 天空的策御者站在树下。 一阵俯冲穿越死亡的漩涡 可否有光明恢宏的滑道 在他头上展开?

2015.2.2 译于 北京大兴 选自诗人《诗17首》(17 Poems,1954) 转译自May Swenson的英文译本


Prelude Tomas Transtromer

Awakening is a parachute jump from the dream. Freed from the choking vortex, the diver sinks towards the green map of morning. Things magnify. He sees, from the fluttering lark's position, huge tree-root systems like branchings of subterranean chandeliers. Above ground, in tropical flood, earth's greenery stands with lifted arms, as if listening to the beat of invisible pistons. And he sinks towards summer, is lowered into its dazzling crater, lowered between fissures of moist green eons trembling under the sun's turbine. Then halts the downward dive through time's eyeblink, the wingspread becomes an osprey's glide over streaming water. Bronze Age trumpets: their outlaw tune hangs motionless over the void.

In the day's first hours consciousness can own the world like a hand enclosing a sun-warm stone. The skydiver stands under the tree. With the plunge through death's vortex will light's great chute spread over his head?

《果戈理》 【作者】 托马斯 特朗斯特罗默 英译: 罗宾 富尔敦 汉译: 张崇殷

磨破的夹克像队狼群 脸似块大理石板。 坐在他信堆之中,那片树林夹着 嘲讽与过失而簌簌。 心像片碎纸吹起,穿过那冷淡的 游廊。

日落现如一只狐狸爬越这国度, 转瞬间就点亮草丛。 空间充满犄角和马蹄,下面 四轮马车像阵阴影滑过我父亲 燃照的庭院。

圣彼得堡与毁灭在同一纬度 (你可见那斜塔中的美人?) 靠近冰封街屋,像水母般飘动着 那身着宽衣的可怜鬼。

而这里,为斋戒笼罩的,是从前那些笑声的畜群所包围的人, 远远高于树线,它们早把自己带往那地界。

人们动摇的台桌。 看外面,目睹黑暗是怎样烙住整泊灵魂的星河 乘上你火焰马车升起,离开这国家! Gogol Written by: Tomas Transtromer English: Robin Fulton

The jacket threadbare as a wolf pack. The face like a marble slab . Sitting in the circle of his letters in the grove that rustles with scorn and error, the heart blowing like a scrap of paper through the inhospitable passageways.

The sunset is now creeping like a fox over this country, igniting the grass in a mere moment. Space is full of horns and hooves underneath the barouche glides like a shadow between my father’s lit courtyards.

St. Petersburg on the same latitude as annihilation (did you see the beauty in the leaning tower) and around the ice-bound tenements floating like a jellyfish the poor man in his cloak.

And here, enveloped in fasts, is the man who before was surrounded by the herdsof laughter, but these have long since taken themselves to tracts far above the tree line.

Men’s unsteady tables. Look outside, see how darkness burns hard a whole galaxy of souls. Rise up then on your chariot of fire and leave the country! (瑞典语版) Gogol Thomas Tranströmer

Kavajen luggsliten som en vargflock. Ansiktet som en marmorflisa. Sitter i kretsen av sina brev i lunden somsusar av hån och misstag,/ ja hjärtat blåser som ett papper genom deogästvänliga passagerna

Nu smyger solnedgången som en räv över detta land, antänder gräset på ett ögonblick. Rymden är full av horn och klövar ochdärunder glider kaleschen skugglik mellan min faders upplysta gårdar.

Petersburgbeläget på samma breddgrad som förintelsen (såg du den sköna i det lutande tornet) och kring nedisade kvarter än svävarmanetlikt den arme i sin kappa.

Och här, insvept i fastor, är han som förr omgavs av/skrattens hjordar, men de har för länge sedan begivit sig tilltrakter långt/ovanför trädgränsen./ Människors raglande bord. Se ut, hur mörkret bränner fast en vintergataav själar. Så stig upp på din eldvagn och lämna landet!

《一半创建的天空》(1962) (瑞典) 托马斯 特朗斯特罗默 中译: 张崇殷

绝望中断其行程。 痛苦中断其行程。 秃鹰中断它的飞翔。

热切的光火涌动开来, 连鬼魂也饮上了一口。

我们的画作见于日光 那冰期画室的红色猛兽。

万物都开始张望 成百上千的我们迈进阳光。

每个人都是一半开启的门, 通往一个适于每人的房间。

无垠的地平面在我们脚下 水光潋滟在林际之间 湖泊是嵌入大地的窗子。



The Half-Finished Heaven Tomas Transtromer translated by Robin Fulton

Despondency breaks off its course. Anguish breaks off its course. The vulture breaks off its flight.

The eager light streams out, even the ghosts take a draft.

And our paintings see daylight, our red beasts of the Ice Age studios.

Everything begins to look around. We walk in the sun in hundreds.

Each man is a half-open door leading to a room for everyone.

The endless ground under us. The water is shining among the trees. The lake is a window into the earth.


Den halvfärdiga himlen

Modlösheten avbryter sitt lopp. Ångesten avbryter sitt lopp. Gamen avbryter sin flykt.

Det ivriga ljuset rinner fram, även spökena tar sig en klunk.

Och våra målningar kommer i dagen, våra istidsateljéers röda djur.

Allting börjar se sig omkring. Vi går i solen hundratals.

Var människa en halvöppen dörr som leder till ett rum för alla.

Den oändliga marken under oss.

Vattnet lyser mellan träden.

Insjön är ett fönster mot jorden.

Ur Den halvfärdiga himlen, Bonniers 1962 Copyright © Tomas Tranströmer 1962 Återgiven med vänligt tillstånd av Tomas Tranströmer och Bonniers

《树与天空》(The Tree and the Sky)










2015.4.24 译自此诗英文译本 (此诗选自诗集《一半完成的天空》1962)

The Tree and the Sky Tomas Transtromer

There's a tree walking around in the rain, it rushes past us in the pouring grey. It has an errand. It gathers life out of the rain like a blackbird in an orchard. When the rain stops so does the tree. There it is, quiet on clear nights waiting as we do for the moment. when the snowflakes blossom in space.


(瑞典)托马斯 特朗斯特罗默 中译: 张崇殷

锐意向前 奔腾的水;轰响;古老的催眠 河水吞没了废车场,闪烁在 面具的后面。 我紧紧握在桥栏, 桥:一匹驰过死亡的巨大铁鸟。

From the thaw of 1966 by: Tomas Tranströmer Tr:Robin Fulton

Headlong headlong waters;roaring;old hypnosis The river swamps the car-cemetery,glitters behind the masks. I hold tight to the bridge railing. The bridge: a big iron bird sailing past death.




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