王嘉尔 ft. Gucci Mane《Different game》,你打几分?




笑的是王嘉尔,他跟Gucci Mane合作的《Different game》MV终于上线,为什么说终于?这支MV是其心血之作,拍摄耗时足足8个月。



Imma show you it's a Different Game
Hold up
Straight up
It's a Different Game
Imma show you it's a Different Game
Hold up
Straight up
It's a Different Game
You can try to stop me but I'm in a Different Game

Hold up
Straight up
It's a Different Game
You can try to stop me but I'm in a Different Game
Hold up
Straight up
It's a Different Game
Balling till I fall
I'm the game
Flexing on it flexing on it not them Diamonds
Rich in My ambition
Balling we go all in
Call me China Man
Team Wang made it Jackson Brand
Why you faking reputation buying profiles then
This a Different Game
Who would take the blame
Who do I respect
Who do I suspect hey
I'll be flexing man
One man flexing land
Call me flexing trend
Call me one man band
Different Game
I can see them coming through
I can feel it when I do
Stay a hundred
Till I be the last man standing
I can see them coming through
I can feel it when I do
Stay a hundred
Till I be the last man standing
Never go Back in the days
Never get Back in the maze
People gon trip in the race
Never gon keep up my pace
Never get Back in the days
Never get Back in the maze
Imma show you it's a Different Game
Hold up
Straight up
It's a Different Game
Imma show you it's a Different Game
Hold up
Straight up
It's a Different Game
You can try to stop me but I'm in a Different Game
Hold up
Straight up
It's a Different Game
You can try to stop me but I'm in a Different Game
Hold up
Straight up
It's a Different Game
Balling till I fall
I'm the game
Verse2: (Gucci Mane)
Jackson Wang and I'm the Gucci Mane
Switch the lane I'm in a Different Game
I was selling game right off Biscayne
Pull up in a drop top and xxxx her brain
Low down dirty game got a Balmain
Still pushing bells xxxx the chain gang
Ain't nothing changed but the chain man
Big old diamond chain and it blang blang
Balling like Lamar Jackson, a duel threat
You just a freshman, you still ain't in the league yet
I be fresh to death I pull-up make them upset,
Diamonds on my chest make them tuck that
Hold up
Straight up
It's a Different Game
Imma show you it's a Different Game
Hold up
Straight up
It's a Different Game
You can try to stop me but I'm in a Different Game
Hold up
Straight up
It's a Different Game
You can try to stop me but I'm in a Different Game
Hold up
Straight up
It's a Different Game
Balling till I fall
I'm the game

Gucci Mane虽是大咖,但并未喧宾夺主,不存在吊打对方这种悬殊。Gucci Mane开口第一句就shout out to王嘉尔,“Jackson Wang and I'm the Gucci Mane,Switch the lane I'm in a Different Game.”可见这位trap鼻祖丝毫没有敷衍,认真对待了与王嘉尔的合作。

“Call me China Man”,进军国际市场的同时,王嘉尔强调自己来自何处并以此为傲,在MV里多次呈现中国元素,车顶及衣服背后的“中国”字样,集装箱内红色基调的布置(搞笑的是桌上的钞票被打码,审核可以说是很严格了……)在worldwide之路上,王嘉尔于今年8月13日在全美青少年选择奖(Teen Choice Awards 2018)上喜提明日之星奖(Choice Next Big Thing)。

王嘉尔希望通过《Different game》传递积极的价值观——活出自己,不作比较。人生仿佛一场游戏,每个人都有属于自己独一无二的跑道,成功或幸福或许来得有快有慢,只要努力,一切终将到来。因此,人生无须比较,尽力而为,不留遗憾。


这首《Different game》你觉得怎样?你打几分?



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