关于CAD VBA的东西,会更新几篇,也是作为自己的备忘。本篇文章更新Excel与CAD表格互相导出导入。
Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim ptInsert(2) As Double
ptInsert(0) = txtX.Text: ptInsert(1) = txtY.Text: ptInsert(2) = 0
Dim excelApp As Object
Dim excelSheet As Object
Set excelApp = GetObject(, "excel.application")
If Err <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Excel程序未运行,请打开Excel程序!"
Exit Sub
End If
Set excelSheet = excelApp.activesheet
Dim ranges As Object
If optAll.Value = True Then
Set ranges = excelSheet.usedrange
ElseIf optSelect = True Then
Set ranges = excelApp.Selection
End If
Dim excelRg As Object
For Each excelRg In ranges
addTableAndText ranges, excelRg, ptInsert
Next excelRg
Set excelSheet = Nothing
Set excelApp = Nothing
End Sub
Public Function addTableAndText(ByVal ranges As Object, ByVal excelRg As Object, ByVal ptInsert As Variant)
Dim objLine As AcadLine
Dim ptLT(2) As Double
Dim ptLB(2) As Double
Dim ptRT(2) As Double
Dim ptRB(2) As Double
Dim rg11 As Object
Set rg11 = excelRg.Offset(1, 1)
ptLT(0) = ptInsert(0) + excelRg.Left * 0.8 - ranges.Left * 0.8
ptLT(1) = ptInsert(1) - (excelRg.top - ranges.top)
ptLT(2) = 0
ptRB(0) = ptInsert(0) + rg11.Left * 0.8 - ranges.Left * 0.8
ptRB(1) = ptInsert(1) - (rg11.top - ranges.top)
ptRB(2) = 0
ptLB(0) = ptLT(0)
ptLB(1) = ptRB(1)
ptLB(2) = 0
ptRT(0) = ptRB(0)
ptRT(1) = ptLT(1)
ptRT(2) = 0
If excelRg.Column = ranges.Column And excelRg.borders.Item(1).linestyle > 0 Then
Set objLine = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(ptLT, ptLB)
setTableColor objLine, excelRg.borders.Item(1).color
End If
If excelRg.borders.Item(2).linestyle > 0 Then
Set objLine = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(ptRT, ptRB)
setTableColor objLine, excelRg.borders.Item(2).color
End If
If excelRg.row = ranges.row And excelRg.borders.Item(3).linestyle > 0 Then
Set objLine = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(ptLT, ptRT)
setTableColor objLine, excelRg.borders.Item(3).color
End If
If excelRg.borders.Item(4).linestyle > 0 Then
Set objLine = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(ptLB, ptRB)
setTableColor objLine, excelRg.borders.Item(4).color
End If
Dim objText As AcadText
Set objText = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(excelRg.Text, ptLB, excelRg.Font.Size * 0.9)
setTextColor objText, excelRg.Font.color
setTextAlignMent objText, ptLT, ptRB
End Function
Public Function setTableColor(ByVal objEntity As AcadEntity, ByVal color As Long)
If optTableColor2.Value = True Then
If cmbTableColor.Text = "By Layer" Then
Exit Function
ElseIf cmbTableColor.Text = "红色" Then
objEntity.color = acRed
ElseIf cmbTableColor.Text = "绿色" Then
objEntity.color = acGreen
ElseIf cmbTableColor.Text = "蓝色" Then
objEntity.color = acBlue
End If
Exit Function
End If
Dim colorR As Long
Dim colorG As Long
Dim colorB As Long
If optTableColor1.Value = True Then
If color <> 0 Then
Dim entityColor As AcadAcCmColor
Set entityColor = AcadApplication.GetInterfaceObject("AutoCAD.AcCmColor.19")
colorR = color And 255
colorG = (color And 65280) / 256
colorB = (color And 16711680) / 65536
entityColor.SetRGB colorR, colorG, colorB
objEntity.TrueColor = entityColor
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function setTextColor(ByVal objEntity As AcadEntity, ByVal color As Long)
If optTextColor2.Value = True Then
If cmbTextColor.Text = "By Layer" Then
Exit Function
ElseIf cmbTextColor.Text = "红色" Then
objEntity.color = acRed
ElseIf cmbTextColor.Text = "绿色" Then
objEntity.color = acGreen
ElseIf cmbTextColor.Text = "蓝色" Then
objEntity.color = acBlue
End If
Exit Function
End If
Dim colorR As Long
Dim colorG As Long
Dim colorB As Long
If optTextColor1.Value = True Then
If color <> 0 Then
Dim entityColor As AcadAcCmColor
Set entityColor = AcadApplication.GetInterfaceObject("AutoCAD.AcCmColor.19")
colorR = color And 255
colorG = (color And 65280) / 256
colorB = (color And 16711680) / 65536
entityColor.SetRGB colorR, colorG, colorB
objEntity.TrueColor = entityColor
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function setTextAlignMent(ByVal objText As AcadText, ByVal ptLT As Variant, ByVal ptRB As Variant)
Dim ptMC(2) As Double
ptMC(0) = (ptLT(0) + ptRB(0)) / 2
ptMC(1) = (ptLT(1) + ptRB(1)) / 2
ptMC(2) = 0
If optTextAlignment1.Value = True Then
objText.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
objText.Move objText.TextAlignmentPoint, ptMC
Exit Function
End If
Dim ptML(2) As Double
ptML(0) = ptLT(0)
ptML(1) = (ptLT(1) + ptRB(1)) / 2
ptML(2) = 0
If optTextAlignment2.Value = True Then
objText.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleLeft
objText.Move objText.TextAlignmentPoint, ptML
Exit Function
End If
Dim ptMR(2) As Double
ptMR(0) = ptRB(0)
ptMR(1) = (ptLT(1) + ptRB(1)) / 2
ptMR(2) = 0
If optTextAlignment3.Value = True Then
objText.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleRight
objText.Move objText.TextAlignmentPoint, ptMR
End If
End Function
Private Sub cmdPickPoint_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim pt As Variant
pt = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "请选择插入点:")
txtX.Text = pt(0): txtY.Text = pt(1)
End Sub
Public Function addCombbox()
cmbTableColor.AddItem "By Layer"
cmbTableColor.AddItem "红色"
cmbTableColor.AddItem "绿色"
cmbTableColor.AddItem "蓝色"
cmbTextColor.AddItem "By Layer"
cmbTextColor.AddItem "红色"
cmbTextColor.AddItem "绿色"
cmbTextColor.AddItem "蓝色"
End Function
Private Sub optTableColor1_Change()
If optTableColor1.Value = True Then
cmbTableColor.Enabled = False
cmbTableColor.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub optTableColor2_Click()
If optTableColor2.Value = True Then
cmbTableColor.Enabled = True
cmbTableColor.Text = "By Layer"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub optTextColor1_Change()
If optTextColor1.Value = True Then
cmbTextColor.Enabled = False
cmbTextColor.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub optTextColor2_Change()
If optTextColor2.Value = True Then
cmbTextColor.Enabled = True
cmbTextColor.Text = "By Layer"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
txtX.Text = 0: txtY.Text = 0
optAll.Value = True
optTableColor1.Value = True
optTextColor1.Value = True
optTextAlignment1.Value = True
End Sub
Dim dicHorizontalLine As Variant
Dim dicVerticalLine As Variant
Dim arrText() As CText
Dim file
Const WRITE_LOG = 0
Dim WorkDrawing
Sub ReadTable()
'file.WriteLine "Type;Object;TagID;Position;Track;Segment;Accuracy;Note;SetupOffset"
SelectionName = "ss1"
Dim sset As AcadSelectionSet
Dim element As AcadEntity
For Each sset In ThisDrawing.SelectionSets
If sset.Name = SelectionName Then
Exit For
End If
Erase arrText
Set dicHorizontalLine = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set dicVerticalLine = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'Set dicText = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim txt As AcadText
Dim txtNum As Integer
txtNum = 0
Set sset = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add(SelectionName)
Dim objType As String
If sset.Count > 0 Then
For Each element In sset
objType = element.ObjectName
Select Case objType
Case "AcDbLine"
AddLine element.StartPoint, element.EndPoint
Case "AcDbText"
Set txt = element
If 1 Then
On Error Resume Next
txtNum = UBound(arrText)
End If
txtNum = txtNum + 1
ReDim Preserve arrText(1 To txtNum)
Set arrText(txtNum) = New CText
arrText(txtNum).TextString = txt.TextString
Dim MinPoint, MaxPoint
txt.GetBoundingBox MinPoint, MaxPoint
arrText(txtNum).SetMaxPoint MaxPoint
arrText(txtNum).SetMinPoint MinPoint
End Select
If WRITE_LOG = 1 Then
SaveLines dicHorizontalLine, "Horizontal"
SaveLines dicVerticalLine, "Vertical"
Dim fsObj
Set fsObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set file = fsObj.CreateTextFile(ThisDrawing.Path & "\debug.csv", True)
file.WriteLine "Remove Horizontal..."
End If
RemoveShortLines dicHorizontalLine, dicVerticalLine
If WRITE_LOG = 1 Then
file.WriteLine "Remove Vertical..."
End If
RemoveShortLines dicVerticalLine, dicHorizontalLine
'DrawLines dicHorizontalLine
'DrawLines dicVerticalLine, False
If WRITE_LOG = 1 Then
End If
End If
sset.Delete '??????????"
'dim ttps as
'For Each tps In dicHorizontalLine
End Sub
Sub ExportExcel()
' Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
' Dim xlBook As Excel.Workbook
' Dim xlSheet As Excel.WorkSheet
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlBook = xlApp.workbooks.Add
Set xlsheet = xlBook.Worksheets(1)
Dim dicHorizontalSort
Dim dicVerticalSort
Set dicHorizontalSort = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set dicVerticalSort = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
SortDic dicHorizontalLine, dicHorizontalSort
SortDic dicVerticalLine, dicVerticalSort
Dim dicCells
Set dicCells = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
iHorizontal = dicHorizontalSort.Count
iVertical = dicVerticalSort.Count
Dim downH, upH
Dim downV, upV
Dim x, y
Dim col_from, col_to, row_from, row_to
Dim strCell As String
Dim aCell As CCell
Dim txt As CText
For Each atxt In arrText
Set txt = atxt
'xlSheet.Cells(row, col) = txt
'col = col + 1
x = txt.GetMidX()
y = txt.GetMidY()
GetScale dicHorizontalLine, y, x, downH, upH
GetScale dicVerticalLine, x, y, downV, upV
'Debug.Print x, y, dicHorizontalSort(downH), dicHorizontalSort(upH), dicVerticalSort(downV), dicVerticalSort(upV)
'Debug.Print txt.TextString, downV, x, upV, downH, y, upH
'Debug.Print txt.TextString, dicVerticalSort(downV), x, dicVerticalSort(upV), iHorizontal - dicHorizontalSort(downH), y, iHorizontal - dicHorizontalSort(upH)
col_from = dicVerticalSort(downV) - 1
col_to = dicVerticalSort(upV) - 1
row_from = iHorizontal - dicHorizontalSort(upH)
row_to = iHorizontal - dicHorizontalSort(downH)
strCell = xlsheet.Cells(row_from + 1, col_from + 1)
xlsheet.range(xlsheet.Cells(row_from + 1, col_from + 1), xlsheet.Cells(row_to, col_to)).MergeCells = True
xlsheet.Cells(row_from + 1, col_from + 1).NumberFormat = "@"
strCell = (col_from + 1) & "-" & (row_from + 1)
If dicCells.exists(strCell) Then
dicCells(strCell).AddText txt
Set aCell = New CCell
aCell.col = col_from + 1
aCell.row = row_from + 1
aCell.AddText txt
dicCells.Add strCell, aCell
End If
For Each ecell In dicCells
Set aCell = dicCells(ecell)
xlsheet.Cells(aCell.row, aCell.col) = aCell.GetString
If Trim(strCell) <> "" Then
strCell = strCell & Chr(10) & txt.TextString
strCell = txt.TextString
End If
xlsheet.Cells(row_from + 1, col_from + 1) = txt.TextString
max_col = CNtoW(xlsheet.usedrange.Columns.Count, xlsheet)
max_row = xlsheet.usedrange.Rows.Count
xlsheet.Columns("a:" & max_col).EntireColumn.AutoFit
Set rng = xlsheet.range("a1:" & max_col & max_row)
调整边框 rng
居中对齐 rng
xlApp.Visible = True
End Sub
Sub GetScale(dic, y_x, x_y, down, up)
down = -1
up = 9999999
For Each v In dic
If dic(v).IsWithin(x_y) Then
If v > down And v < y_x Then
down = v
End If
If v < up And v > y_x Then
up = v
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub SortDic(dic, sort)
'j = 0
For Each num In dic
i = 1
For Each num1 In dic
If num > num1 Then
i = i + 1
End If
'j = j + 1
sort.Add num, i
'For Each num In sort
' Debug.Print num, dicHorizontalSort(num)
End Sub
Sub SaveLines(dic, fn)
If WRITE_LOG = 1 Then
Dim fsObj
Set fsObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set file = fsObj.CreateTextFile(ThisDrawing.Path & "\" & fn & ".csv", True)
file.WriteLine fn & ";Min;Max"
For Each tp In dic
For Each ctp In dic(tp).GetPoints
file.WriteLine tp & ";" & ctp.MinP & ";" & ctp.MaxP
End If
End Sub
Sub DrawLines(dic, Optional Horizontal As Boolean = True)
Dim ctp As CPoint
For Each tps In dic
For Each tp In dic(tps).GetPoints
Set ctp = tp
DrawLine tps, ctp.MinP, ctp.MaxP, Horizontal
End Sub
Sub DrawTexts()
Dim MyText As AcadText
For Each txt In arrText
'Set MyText = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(txt.TextString, txt.MinPoint, 1)
End Sub
Sub DrawLine(pc, p1, p2, Optional Horizontal As Boolean = True)
Dim sp(0 To 2) As Double
Dim ep(0 To 2) As Double
x_offset = 0
y_offset = 25
If Horizontal Then
sp(0) = p1 + x_offset
sp(1) = pc + y_offset
sp(2) = 0
ep(0) = p2 + x_offset
ep(1) = pc + y_offset
ep(2) = 0
sp(0) = pc + x_offset
sp(1) = p1 + y_offset
sp(2) = 0
ep(0) = pc + x_offset
ep(1) = p2 + y_offset
ep(2) = 0
End If
Dim MyLine As AcadLine
Set MyLine = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(sp, ep)
End Sub
Sub RemoveShortLines(ori, ref)
Dim ctp As CPoint
Dim dicRemove As Variant
For Each tps In ori
Set dicRemove = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'i = 1
For Each tp In ori(tps).GetPoints
Set ctp = tp
'Debug.Print "Remove?", tps, tp.MinP, tp.MaxP
'strline =
If WRITE_LOG = 1 Then
file.WriteLine "Remove?" & ";" & tps & ";" & tp.MinP & ";" & tp.MaxP
End If
If Not IsBorder(ctp, ref) Then
dicRemove.Add ctp, ""
End If
ori(tps).RemoveShortLines (dicRemove)
Set dicRemove = Nothing
For Each tps In ori
If ori(tps).Count = 0 Then
ori.Remove tps
End If
End Sub
Function IsBorder(ByVal tp As CPoint, ByVal ref) As Boolean
IsBorder = False
For Each tps In ref
If tps = tp.MinP Or _
tps = tp.MaxP Then
IsBorder = True
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Sub AddLine(StartPoint, EndPoint)
NumDigits = 1
ShortestLine = 0.3
line_len = ((StartPoint(0) - EndPoint(0)) ^ 2 + (StartPoint(1) - EndPoint(1)) ^ 2) ^ 0.5
If line_len < ShortestLine Then Exit Sub
StartPoint(0) = Round(StartPoint(0), NumDigits)
StartPoint(1) = Round(StartPoint(1), NumDigits)
EndPoint(0) = Round(EndPoint(0), NumDigits)
EndPoint(1) = Round(EndPoint(1), NumDigits)
If StartPoint(0) = EndPoint(0) Then
AddLineTo dicVerticalLine, StartPoint(0), StartPoint(1), EndPoint(1)
End If
If StartPoint(1) = EndPoint(1) Then
AddLineTo dicHorizontalLine, StartPoint(1), StartPoint(0), EndPoint(0)
End If
End Sub
Sub AddLineTo(dicLine, x_y, sp, ep)
If dicLine.exists(x_y) Then
dicLine(x_y).Add sp, ep
Dim tps As CPointSet
Set tps = New CPointSet
tps.Add sp, ep
dicLine.Add x_y, tps
End If
End Sub
' 调整格式
Function CNtoW(ByVal num As Long, sht) As String
CNtoW = Replace(sht.Cells(1, num).Address(False, False), "1", "")
End Function
Sub 调整边框(rng)
With rng.Borders(7)
.LineStyle = 1
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = 2
End With
With rng.Borders(8)
.LineStyle = 1
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = 2
End With
With rng.Borders(9)
.LineStyle = 1
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = 2
End With
With rng.Borders(10)
.LineStyle = 1
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = 2
End With
With rng.Borders(11)
.LineStyle = 1
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = 2
End With
With rng.Borders(12)
.LineStyle = 1
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = 2
End With
End Sub
Sub 居中对齐(rng)
With rng
.HorizontalAlignment = -4108
.VerticalAlignment = -4108
.WrapText = True
.Orientation = 0
.AddIndent = False
.IndentLevel = 0
.ShrinkToFit = False
.ReadingOrder = -5002
End With
End Sub
Private TextList() As CText
Public col As Integer
Public row As Integer
Public Sub AddText(txt As CText)
Count = 0
If 1 Then
On Error Resume Next
Count = UBound(TextList)
End If
Count = Count + 1
ReDim Preserve TextList(1 To Count)
Set TextList(Count) = txt
End Sub
Public Function GetString()
On Error Resume Next
Count = UBound(TextList)
If Count = 1 Then
GetString = TextList(1).TextString
Exit Function
End If
GetString = ""
Dim strList() As String, strTemp As String
Dim yList() As Double, yTemp As Double
ReDim strList(1 To Count)
ReDim yList(1 To Count)
For i = 1 To Count
'For Each txt In TextList
'GetString = GetString & Chr(10) & txt.TextString
strList(i) = TextList(i).TextString
yList(i) = TextList(i).GetMidY
For i = 1 To Count - 1
For j = i + 1 To Count
If yList(i) < yList(j) Then
yTemp = yList(i)
yList(i) = yList(j)
yList(j) = yTemp
strTemp = strList(i)
strList(i) = strList(j)
strList(j) = strTemp
End If
GetString = strList(1)
For i = 2 To Count
GetString = GetString & Chr(10) & strList(i)
End Function
Public MinP As Double
Public MaxP As Double
Public Count As Integer
Private arrPoints() As CPoint
Public Function GetPoints()
GetPoints = arrPoints
End Function
Public Function IsWithin(v) As Boolean
IsWithin = False
For Each p In arrPoints
If p.MinP <= v And p.MaxP >= v Then
IsWithin = True
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Public Function RemoveShortLines(dicRemove) As Integer
RemoveShortLines = Count
If Count < 1 Then Exit Function
Dim arrP() As CPoint
ReDim arrP(1 To Count)
j = 0
Dim bRemove As Boolean
For i = 1 To Count
bRemove = False
For Each p In dicRemove
If p.MinP = arrPoints(i).MinP And p.MaxP = arrPoints(i).MaxP Then
bRemove = True
End If
If Not bRemove Then
j = j + 1
Set arrP(j) = arrPoints(i)
End If
If j > 0 Then
ReDim Preserve arrP(1 To j)
arrPoints = arrP
End If
Count = j
RemoveShortLines = Count
End Function
Public Function RemoveWith(ByVal cpt As CPoint) As Integer
If Count = 0 Then
Count = 0
RemoveWith = 0
Exit Function
End If
iRemoveAt = 0
For i = 1 To Count
If arrPoints(i).MaxP = cpt.MaxP And arrPoints(i).MinP = cpt.MinP Then
iRemoveAt = i
Exit For
End If
If iRemoveAt > 0 Then
Count = Count - 1
If Count > 0 Then
'If iRemoveAt <= Count Then
For j = iRemoveAt To Count
arrPoints(j).MaxP = arrPoints(j + 1).MaxP
arrPoints(j).MinP = arrPoints(j + 1).MinP
'End If
ReDim Preserve arrPoints(1 To Count)
Count = 0
'ReDim arrPoints()
End If
End If
RemoveWith = Count
End Function
Public Sub Add(Point1, Point2)
If Point1 > Point2 Then
MinP = Point2
MaxP = Point1
MinP = Point1
MaxP = Point2
End If
If Count > 0 Then
For Each point In arrPoints
If point.MaxP = MinP Then
point.MaxP = MaxP
Exit Sub
End If
If point.MinP = MaxP Then
point.MinP = MinP
Exit Sub
End If
If point.MaxP = MaxP And point.MinP = MinP Then Exit Sub
End If
Count = Count + 1
ReDim Preserve arrPoints(1 To Count)
Set arrPoints(Count) = New CPoint
arrPoints(Count).MinP = MinP
arrPoints(Count).MaxP = MaxP
End Sub
Private MinPoint(0 To 2) As Double
Private MaxPoint(0 To 2) As Double
Public TextString As String
Public Sub SetMinPoint(p)
MinPoint(0) = p(0)
MinPoint(1) = p(1)
MinPoint(2) = p(2)
End Sub
Public Sub SetMaxPoint(p)
MaxPoint(0) = p(0)
MaxPoint(1) = p(1)
MaxPoint(2) = p(2)
End Sub
Public Function GetMinPoint()
GetMinPoint = MinPoint
End Function
Public Function GetMaxPoint()
GetMaxPoint = MaxPoint()
End Function
Public Function GetMidX()
GetMidX = (MinPoint(0) + MaxPoint(0)) / 2
End Function
Public Function GetMidY()
GetMidY = (MinPoint(1) + MaxPoint(1)) / 2
End Function
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