文献计量学系列37: 不同时期主题分析











pacman::p_load(bibliometrix, rio, magrittr)m1_TE <- import(file = 'E:/精鼎统计/m1_TE.xlsx')rownames(m1_TE) <- m1_TE$SRm2 <- m1_TEm2$ID <- m2$DE_TM


#Time sliceyear <- c(2000, 2010)list_m <- timeslice(m2, breaks = year) #subpriod bibliometrix dataframenames(list_m) <- c('1991-2000','2001-2010','2011-2019')
#Main informationlist_maininfo <- lapply(list_m, biblioAnalysis) %>% lapply(function(x)summary(x, verbose = FALSE)) %>% lapply(function(x)x$MainInformationDF)list_maininfo# $`1991-2000`# Description Results# 1 MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT DATA # 2 Timespan 1991:2000# 3 Sources (Journals, Books, etc) 17# 4 Documents 55# 5 Average years from publication 23.6# 6 Average citations per documents 58.11# 7 Average citations per year per doc 2.351# 8 References 1223# 9 DOCUMENT TYPES # 10 article 41# 11 article; proceedings paper 10# 12 proceedings paper 4# 13 DOCUMENT CONTENTS # 14 Keywords Plus (ID) 198# 15 Author's Keywords (DE) 209# 16 AUTHORS # 17 Authors 128# 18 Author Appearances 165# 19 Authors of single-authored documents 6# 20 Authors of multi-authored documents 122# 21 AUTHORS COLLABORATION # 22 Single-authored documents 7# 23 Documents per Author 0.43# 24 Authors per Document 2.33# 25 Co-Authors per Documents 3# 26 Collaboration Index 2.54# 27 # # $`2001-2010`# Description Results# 1 MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT DATA # 2 Timespan 2001:2010# 3 Sources (Journals, Books, etc) 29# 4 Documents 107# 5 Average years from publication 14# 6 Average citations per documents 51.36# 7 Average citations per year per doc 3.376# 8 References 3263# 9 DOCUMENT TYPES # 10 article 88# 11 article; proceedings paper 11# 12 proceedings paper 7# 13 review 1# 14 DOCUMENT CONTENTS # 15 Keywords Plus (ID) 464# 16 Author's Keywords (DE) 563# 17 AUTHORS # 18 Authors 312# 19 Author Appearances 420# 20 Authors of single-authored documents 1# 21 Authors of multi-authored documents 311# 22 AUTHORS COLLABORATION # 23 Single-authored documents 1# 24 Documents per Author 0.343# 25 Authors per Document 2.92# 26 Co-Authors per Documents 3.93# 27 Collaboration Index 2.93# 28 # # $`2011-2019`# Description Results# 1 MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT DATA # 2 Timespan 2011:2019# 3 Sources (Journals, Books, etc) 56# 4 Documents 222# 5 Average years from publication 4.07# 6 Average citations per documents 15.23# 7 Average citations per year per doc 2.563# 8 References 7478# 9 DOCUMENT TYPES # 10 article 212# 11 article; proceedings paper 6# 12 review 4# 13 DOCUMENT CONTENTS # 14 Keywords Plus (ID) 725# 15 Author's Keywords (DE) 1006# 16 AUTHORS # 17 Authors 774# 18 Author Appearances 1087# 19 Authors of single-authored documents 4# 20 Authors of multi-authored documents 770# 21 AUTHORS COLLABORATION # 22 Single-authored documents 5# 23 Documents per Author 0.287# 24 Authors per Document 3.49# 25 Co-Authors per Documents 4.9# 26 Collaboration Index 3.55# 27



#Thematic map listlist_TM <- lapply(list_m, function(m){ thematicMap(M = m, field = 'ID', n = 250, stemming = F, size = 0.5, n.labels = 3, repel = FALSE)})
#Subperiod thematic mapsub1TM <- list_TM$`1991-2000`$map#subperiod Isub1TM
sub2TM <- list_TM$`2001-2010`$map #subperiod IIsub2TM
sub3TM <- list_TM$`2011-2019`$map#subperiod IIIsub3TM
我们以catchment所代表的主题为例,在时期一该主题与runoff,strom结合,并处于Basic Themes;时期二该主题与trace,runoff-generation结合,转到了Emerging or Declining Themes;时期三该主题与runoff,runoff-generation结合,转到了Motor Themes。从中我们可以发现以catchment所代表的主题在不同时期中所处的地位是不一样的,是动态变化的。


参数k的使用代码为“list_m1 <-timeslice(m2, k = 3)”,表示将题录数据框根据时间平均分为3个题录数据框,大家可以根据不同时期题录数据框主要信息代码去查看子时期的时间段,其子时期时间应分别为“1991-1999”,“2000-2009”,“2010-2019”,每个时期均为10年。下一期,我们将尝试用桑基图来展示主题演化的路径。

