Men at Work《Down Under》



Everyday music



—— [澳大利亚] 安德鲁·林赛《面包匠的狂欢节》

名:《Down Under》

歌者Men at Work

词曲Ron Strykert & Colin Hay




[Verse 1]

Traveling in a fried-out Kombi

On a hippie trail, head full of zombie

I met a strange lady, she made me nervous

She took me in and gave me breakfast

And she said

[Chorus 1]

Do you come from a land down under?

Where women glow and men plunder

Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?

You better run, you better take cover

[Verse 2]

Buying bread from a man in Brussels

He was six-foot-four and full of muscle

I said, "Do you speak-a my language?"

And he just smiled and gave me a Vegemite sandwich

And he said

[Chorus 2]

I come from a land down under

Where beer does flow and men chunder

Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?

You better run, you better take cover, yeah

[Verse 3]

Lyin' in a den in Bombay

With a slack jaw, and not much to say

I said to the man, "Are you trying to tempt me?

Because I come from the land of plenty"

And he said

[Chorus 1]

Oh! You come from a land down under? (Oh, yeah, yeah)

Where women glow and men plunder

Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder? Ah

You better run, you better take cover

Living in a land down under

Where women glow and men plunder

(Hear, thunder) Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?

You better, better run, you better take cover

Living in a land down under

Where women glow and men plunder

Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder? Oh, yeah

You better run, you better take cover

Living in a land down under, oh

Where women glow and men plunder

(Yeah, yeah) Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder? (Yeah, yeah, thunder)

You better run, you better take cover



今天分享一首Men at Work(工作中的男人们乐队) 的《Down Under》。

今天来一首澳大利亚乐队的歌曲。这首歌曲来自他们1981年的首张专辑《Business as Usual》。这首歌是该乐队在海外最受欢迎的歌曲,在美国前40名的榜单持续了19周,并且有4次夺冠。不仅在美国,在英国和本国澳大利亚也都进入过榜单第一名。这首歌被RIAA认证为白金销量。2001年5月,澳大利亚表演权利协会(APRA)为庆祝其成立75周年,评选出了有史以来最优秀的澳大利亚歌曲,《Down Under》位列榜单第四。这首歌在澳大利亚已经成为一首流行的爱国歌曲。


这首歌从一开始就很强烈。最初的想法来自于乐队吉他手Ron Strykert在家庭磁带demo上录制的一个小的低音riff段落。只是一小段贝司和一些打击乐,他在一些瓶子上演奏,瓶子里装了不同分量的水,以得到不同的音符。这首歌的创作者Colin Hay很喜欢这段riff,经常一边开车一边听,有一天他在墨尔本开车时,副歌突然从脑子中冒出来,几天后他就写出了主歌部分。


Men at Work。工作中的男人们(最美丽~)乐队,是一支澳大利亚摇滚乐队,于 1978 年在墨尔本成立。以突破性的热门歌曲而闻名,例如《 Who Can It Be Now?》和《 Down Under 》。它的创始成员和主唱是Colin Hay,他担任主唱和吉他手。在 1978-79 年与吉他手Ron Strykert一起作为原声二人组演奏后,Hay 与 Strykert 与和他们演出的Jerry Speiser 组成了鼓组。很快,长笛、萨克斯管和键盘乐器的Greg Ham和贝斯手的 John Rees加入了他们的行列。1983 年 1 月,他们成为第一批同时在美国公告牌排行榜上专辑和单曲都获得第一名的澳大利亚音乐家。他们于 1983 年获得格莱美最佳新人奖,并于 1994 年入选ARIA 名人堂,并在全球销售了超过 3000 万张专辑。

