


      The diamond mines of Solomon

Years ago, a hunter and trader named Quartermain heard about the diamond mines of King Solomon, which were supposed to be in the Suliman Mountains in Africa. Many years later, he met a Portuguese hunter, Jose? Silvestre, and he gave Quartermain an old map showing the way to the mines.

Now, Sir Henry Curtis and Captain Good have asked Quartermain to accompany them on an expedition to find the hidden mines. Sir Henry is looking for his brother, Neville, who disappeared while making the same journey. Quartermain agrees, and the three men set off with supplies and several servants. One of the servants is Umbopa, a handsome man of the Zulu people, who says he is looking for his tribe.

They began their journey at the meeting point of two rivers. From there, they travel over a vast desert, where they almost die of thirst. Then they some mountains where the weather is very cold. Even though they find shelter in a cave, one of their servants, Ventvogel, soon dies.

On the other side of the mountains, they meet the men of the Kukuana tribe. At first the tribesmen want to kill the white men, but Quartermain convinces them that they are strangers from a star out in space. They are taken to meet Twala, King of the Kukuanas. An old gentleman, Infadoos, tell them that Twala’s twin brother, Imotu, was once king. Twala killed him, but Imotu’s wife and son escaped. The son, called Ignosi, should now be the rightful King of the Kukuanas.

As the Kukuanas prepare for their annual feast and witch-hunt, Umbopa reveals his secret. He is really Ignosi——he has the mark of the sacred snake to prove he should be king. Infadoos says he will help Ignosi, Quartermain and the others to fight Twala, who is a cruel and ruthless king.

At the witch-hunt, Gagool, an evil witch doctress, chooses the men and women who are to be killed. She wants Ignosi to die, but Quartermain threatens to kill Twala with his gun, so Ignosi is saved. The next night, Captain Good saves a young girl from death. Twala is very angry now, but the white men frighten him by predicting an eclipse of the moon. Then, when Siry Henry kills Twala’s son, the Kukuanas run away in fear.

With the help of Quartermain, Good and Sir Henry, Ignosi and the other chiefs defeat Twala and his men in battle. Twala is captured. He and Sir Henry fight, and Sir Henry finally kills the evil king.

Now it is time for Quartermain and the others to find the diamonds. Gagool leads them over the Great Road to a cave. Here behind a huge rock, is a room filled with diamonds. The men’s happiness soon ends though 4, when Gagool closes the huge rock behind them. But as she tries to escape, the witch doctress is crushed beneath the stone.

Trapped in the treasure room explorers frantically search for a way out. They finally find a narrow tunnel that leads them out of the deadly cave. Though they do not have much treasure with them, the men are alive and still wealthy.

The explorers say goodbye to Ignosi, who is now King of Kukuanas. On the journey home, they find Neville and a hunter named Jim. The brother are reunited, and the explorers’long and dangerous advantageous adventure ends happily.



文章内容简介:世纪有个叫阿兰·郭德曼(又名:艾伦·夸特梅因)的猎象人,作为盎格鲁萨克逊人,他比任何人都了解非洲。有一天,他偶然遇到一位叫亨利·柯蒂斯的英国贵族,这位英国贵族要求郭德曼带他到非洲西部一个神秘的村庄去,亨利想趁这次机会找到杳无音讯的弟弟。   起初,听到亨利的请求时,郭德曼很犹豫,但是他为了能给正在大学学医的儿子支付学费,决定参与这次冒险。加入了这次冒险旅行的共有四个人:郭德曼、英国贵族亨利·柯蒂斯、海军军官约翰·古德,还有一名年轻的土著人。这名海军军官也是英国人,经验太少,显得更有点轻浮,易感情用事;土著人极具冒险精神,善良,身体强壮。这四个人虽然各有不同的动机,但在深险过程中共同经历了险境、困难,逐渐产生了友谊,他们横穿陆地,饱尝沙漠的酷热,冰雪的严寒,无边际的不毛沙漠地带和水草茂盛的森林,都让他们感到大自然的严酷。从这些极其恶劣的环境,能看到自然屏障封闭起来孤立生活的非洲人的性格:那里的人们既有凶残的一面,又有善良的一面;既渴望权力,又期待真诚,对生和死都有很高的认识水平。 



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