每日新闻播报(December 28)

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>Student-don relationship ban

Oxford University is considering banning romantic and sexual contact between academics and students.

The proposed shake-up would see the institution become only the second top UK university to outlaw such relationships.

Any don found flouting the policy, which would apply to any academic directly teaching or supervising a student, could face sanctions, ranging from a formal warning to dismissal.

There are fears that an unofficial acceptance of romantic liaisons between staff and students puts women at risk of harassment. There are also concerns that students' grades could suffer if they complain.

Earlier this year, University College London became the first Russell Group university to introduce a ban on romantic and sexual relationships between lecturers and their students.

Vials labelled "COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine" are placed on dry ice in this illustration taken, Dec 4, 2020.

>Global vaccine supply increases

The WHO announced that COVAX has agreements in place to access nearly 2 billion doses of several promising vaccine candidates on Friday, and first deliveries are anticipated to begin in the first quarter of 2021.

The initiative said it aims to deliver 1.3 billion doses of approved vaccines next year to 92 eligible low- and middle-income economies.

All 190 economies that have signed up to COVAX will “have access to doses in the first half of 2021, with first deliveries anticipated to begin in the first quarter of 2021 – contingent upon regulatory approvals and countries’ readiness for delivery,” it said in a statement.

New agreements announced on Friday include an advance purchase agreement with AstraZeneca for 170 million doses, and a memorandum of understanding for 500 million doses from Johnson & Johnson.

Medical staff members watch an ultrasonography screen duringa procedure for hypothermia treatment on a patient in the COVID-19 intensive care unit (ICU) on Christmas Eve at the United Memorial Medical Center on Dec 24, 2020 in Houston, Texas. 

>2020 deadliest year in US history

This is the deadliest year in US history, with deaths expected to top 3 million for the first time - due mainly to the coronavirus pandemic.

Final mortality data for this year will not be available for months.

But preliminary numbers suggest that the US is on track to see more than 3.2 million deaths this year, or at least 400,000 more than in 2019.

US deaths increase most years, so some annual rise in fatalities is expected.

But the 2020 numbers amount to a jump of about 15percent, and could go higher once all the deaths from this month are counted.

That would mark the largest single-year percentage leap since 1918.

Life expectancy for 2019 rose by about six weeks to 78.8 years, but it could end up dropping as much as three full years in 2020, said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The coronavirus pandemic has become the third leading cause of death, behind only heart disease and cancer.

>Bottled air for homesick expats

Over in the UK, a fast-spreading new coronavirus variant has led to several countries around the world imposing bans and restrictions on travel to the nation, meaning a large number of residents currently abroad will not be able to return any time soon.

However, relocation website My Baggage has dreamed up a special gift for homesick residents that's quite literally a breath of fresh air.

The company is currently selling bottles of "authentic" air from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to provide UK residents overseas with the scent of home.

Priced at £25, the 500 milliliter bottle comes with a cork stopper, so the recipient can keep opening it up and taking in the aroma whenever they need a pick-me-up.

Aside from the four UK countries, the company also can take on special requests for any other specific UK locations.

Meanwhile, special limited edition bottles featuring air taken from the London Underground or a fish and chip shop in Norfolk are also available.

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