上海女孩儿江西春节的故事,你一定没有看过这个版本 || 超然脱口秀


What’s going on, WeChat? It’s Chris here. I’m bringing you a brand new audio log.

As some of you may know, there was this post that went viral a couple of days ago. It was about this girl from Shanghai who was dating what was called a “phoenix guy”. So what’s a “phoenix guy”? It’s a term that refers to guys who are born and raised in rural parts of the country,and they study extremely hard and then they get into college and they move to the city, after which they stay in the city, get a decent job and eventually marry an urban woman. So where does “phoenix” come in? “Phoenix” comes from theChinese idiom that describes such people: “A golden phoenix that flies out of a backwater town.” Some of the characteristics of “phoenix guys” are that they’re smart, otherwise they can’t really get into colleges in the city; they’re hard-working, and this is also true after they graduate and start working; but,at the same time, they’re very conservative, they still hold a lot of the traditional values that they get from the countryside, and they’re usually extremely frugal, even after they have gained financial stability. And most importantly,their families still reside in the countryside.

Enough background information. So what happened was, this Shanghai lady was dating this “phoenix guy” who originally came from a village in Jiangxi Province. It was now the Chinese New Year, and the girl was asked to visit the guy’s parents in the village, which the girl agreed. But to her surprise, the first meal she had at her boyfriend’s parents’ place was awful. She took a picture of the meal, which looked pretty bad,especially with that dark lighting. Anyway, she was not having it and demanded to go back to Shanghai the next day, and she wanted a break-up.

This, of course, is an over simplified account of the whole thing. If any of you guys are interested, you can check out the links below to read the whole story by yourself. Anyway, this girl’spost caused a huge uproar on the internet. People were bashing her for not being decorous and whatnot. I think they had a point. There were definitely better ways of handling a bad meal than demanding to leave right away. I’m sure her boyfriend’s parents worked really hard to prepare this meal for her to the best of their ability, but unfortunately the result still fell short of what she had expected, which I think goes to show how much the economic inequality in China has worsened. This story is unfortunate but it really isn’t anybody’s fault. It’s just that the gap wealth in China has now gotten to a point where people who live in the city and people who live in the countryside are living in entirely different worlds. And when people from these two worlds interact,let alone fall in love -- like what the Shanghai girl and her “phoenix”boyfriend did -- problems are bound to occur.

That’s all for today and I hope you guys enjoyed this short audio log. Let me know what your thoughts are. Who do you think should take the blame or what do you think we should do about this inequality problem. Leave your comments below and WeChat, we’ll see you later.


go viral 走红

backwater town 穷乡僻壤

she was not having it 她受不了

an oversimplified account of sth 某事的精简叙述

cause an uproar 引起轰动

bash 抨击

to the best of their ability 尽力而为

fall short of what she had expected 离她的期待有距离

goes to show 证明

has now gotten to a point where 某物现在到了某种程度



