最毒生命杀手,酗酒不酗也不续 | Redemption Bars Come Into Being
With more and more accidents caused by alcohol abuse, the police departments needs increasing attention and powers to tackle excessive drinking and hospitals have to accept more alcohol-related patients with lacking medical resources. But, family members of alcoholics are the most grieving ones. For once drunkenness, they maybe lose their beloved forever.
However, this phenomenon is not just uncommon case and it exists in many countries in the whole world. Especially, some young men live a befuddled life and some try to give vent to their excessive living survival pressure. I remember, in Japanese TV series, working males tend to find a pub and have a couple of alcohol drinks after work. At present, you find various bars rise up everywhere.
In recent years, many countries try hard to change the poor condition. Especially, British government has established regulations aiming to stop retailers from selling alcoholic drinks below cost which they commonly devote to attract consumers. As far as reported, in a way, British regulations have effectively improve the bad influence brought in by cheap inferior alcoholic drinks.
In London, the newly Redemption Bar comes into being. In such a bar, you can see barman shaking cocktails with music floating. And bar offer Cocorita which belongs to non-alcoholic drinks. As reported, the number of such type is unceasingly increasing!
在伦敦,新型Redemption Bar应运而生。酒吧里,可见服务员摇晃着鸡尾酒杯,空气中飘扬着音乐。而且,酒吧提供Cocorita,但是却属于非酒精饮品。据说,这类酒吧的数量在不断增多!
In other cities, such Redemption Bars keep opening continuously. They share distinctive interest without drunkards and uproars. And Redemption Bars can bring relatively stable incomes, even though high profitable alcoholic revenues are absent. Consequently, the founder of Redemption Bar once indicated that drunkards are not the necessity for bar business.
其他城市这类Redemption Bar酒吧也在不断开业。没有了酒鬼,没有了喧嚣,但是别有风味。尽管没有了高利润的酒收入,但是Redemption Bar本身会带来相对较稳定的收入。所以,Redemption Bar的创始人曾表示酒鬼并不是酒吧营业的必需品。
In addition, a lot of alcoholic abstinence organizations also convey and advocate Abstemious Drinking. As related studies showed, the number of drunkards in Britain is declining. Meanwhile, there are increasing people participating in alcoholic abstinence. Seemingly, our thoughts are in positive undergoing transforming.
此外,还有很多戒酒相关组织也在宣扬提倡“饮酒节制,节制饮酒”。据相关调查研究表明,现在英国酗酒人数在降低。同时,有更多人参与戒酒相关活动。看来,大家的思想在积极转变中 。
Hence, friendly reminder for those drowning sorrow in alcoholic drinks: do not adopt extreme approach as there are many ways to vent emotions. Hoping that, in the near future, Redemption Bars can spring up everywhere in China. And, a strong appeal for drunkards is to cherish your life without excessive drinking any longer!
所以,温馨提醒那些声称要借酒消愁的人们:发泄情绪方式的有很多,请不要选择极端的方式。希望在不久的将来,Redemption Bar在中国遍地开花。同时,强烈呼吁酗酒者珍爱生命,不再酗酒!
Word Explanation(单词解析)
美 [rɪ'dempʃən] 英 [rɪ'dempʃ(ə)n]
n. 拯救,救赎;赎回(股票等)
the act of saving or state of being saved from the power of evil; the act of redeeming; the act of exchanging shares for money (= of redeeming them)
Perhaps it was more of a damnation than a redemption, after all.
Honey, my childhood was just like "Shawshank Redemption".
美 [bɪ'fʌd(ə)ld] 英 [bɪ'fʌd(ə)ld]
adj. 迷糊的;糊涂的
confused and unable to think normally
The net on this; the important point is simply that the customer is befuddled.
美 [vent] 英 [vent]
v. 表达,发泄(感情,尤指愤怒)
an opening that allows air, gas or liquid to pass out of or into a room, building, container, etc.; the opening in the body of a bird, fish, reptile or other small animal, through which waste matter is passed out; a long thin opening at the bottom of the back or side of a coat or jacket
give (full) vent to(充分)表达;(淋漓尽致地)发泄
to express a feeling, especially anger, strongly
v. sth (on sb) to express feelings, especially anger, strongly
He gave vent to his anger by swearing loudly.
Today, to vent some of my anger, I punched my thin pillow as hard as I could.
美 ['drʌŋkərd] 英 ['drʌŋkə(r)d]
n. 酒鬼;醉鬼
a person who gets drunk very often
He takes after his father, a drunkard.
The drunkard signed the pledge never to drink again.
Enjoy English, enjoy fun!
《无人生还》(And Then There Were None),原名《孤岛奇案》,是著名的英国侦探推理女王作家阿加莎·克里斯蒂的作品,也是她生涯中最著名的作品之一,被认为是历史上成就最高的推理小说之一,全球销量超过一亿册。被改编成多部影视、戏剧、漫画、游戏作品。小说巧妙地构思了八个素不相识的人受邀来到海岛印第安岛上,后来十个人都被谋害的精彩推理剧情,情节跌但起伏却毫不荒诞。该书出版于1939年。