

Labour shortages: Help wanted


According to figures published on August 31st, the Case-Shiller national house-price index was 18.6% higher in June than a year earlier—the third record-breaking rise in as many months.
结构分析:According to figures published on August 31st是状语, the Case-Shiller national house-price index是主语,was 18.6% higher是系表型谓语(was是系动词,过去一般时,18.6% higher是表语),in June是状语,than a year earlier是比较状语,—the third record-breaking rise是同位语,in as many months是状语。
But although the shortages of materials are expected to ease next year, skilled labour will be harder to find.
结构分析:But是连接词,表示转折,although引导状语从句,the shortages of materials是主语,are expected是被动谓语,现在一般时,to ease是主语补语,next year是时间状语, skilled labour是主句的主语,will be harder to find是系表型谓语,其中will be是系动词词组,harder to find是表语。
As covid-19 spread and countries locked down, the construction workforce took a big hit.
结构分析:As引导状语从句,covid-19是主语,spread是谓语,and是连接词,countries是主语,locked down是谓语, the construction workforce是主语,took是谓语,过去一般时,a big hit是名词词组,作宾语。
In America it shrank by nearly 15% in 2020, wiping out four years of job gains.
结构分析:In America是地点状语,it是主语,shrank是谓语,by nearly 15%是状语,in 2020是时间状语, wiping out four years of job gains是-ing式词组,作状语。
But it has yet to recover fully, even as demand for housing has been turbo-charged by low interest rates and enthusiasm for bigger homes.

