医学影像英语每日读丨96.CT Imaging of Solid Pancreatic Tumors (part5)



Now pancreatic cancer is not that common, to be honest. I see a lot of it. But if you look at it overall in the country, there's about 28,000 cases each year. So it accounts for about 2% of all cancers, but that being said it does account for 95% of all pancreatic exocrine malignancies, and it is the fourth leading cause of cancer mortality.

Now that brings up an important point, right? It's not that common, but it is one of the most leading causes of cancer mortality, and that's because of its very poor prognosis. There is a less than 5% survival at five years,and less than 20% of patients are

candidates for curative surgery at the time of presentation.

Now for the most part, most pancreatic adenocarcinomas have typical features. These are hypodense tumors that are very poorly marginated. They tend to be infiltrative, and often they will infiltrate posteriorly into the retroperitoneum. These are not well circumscribed lesions.






