Latino vs. Hispanic

One important thing that you need to remember when trying to differentiate the Latino and Hispanic is that Latino pertains to the countries or cultures that belonged to the Latin America while Hispanic describes the language or culture that were previously under the Spanish colony. You can be a Latino even if you are not really Spanish-speaking as long as you originated from the nations from Latin America. Hispanic on the other hand simply refers to the Spanish language.
在尝试区分Latino(拉丁裔)和Hispantc(西班牙裔)时,您需要记住的一件重要事情是,Latino是与拉丁美洲的国家或文化相关,而Hisptnic则表示曾属于西班牙殖民地的语言或文化。 只要您来自拉丁美洲国家,即使您不会说西班牙语,您也算是Latino。 另一方面,Hispanic仅仅表示西班牙语。

Read more: Difference Between Hispanic and Latino | Difference Between

