英文诗歌国内孩子很少接触。熟悉诗歌阅读有一个很长的过程。习得/半习得,原版阅读路子的孩子,诗歌精读应该是英文学习不可分割的一部分。很多地方私立高中入学都要考察诗歌阅读,美国私校SSAT 考试,澳洲顶级私校入学考试AESA(多谢悠悠妈告知)都要考察诗歌。
这首诗讲了一个故事。孩子们要能够用5句话 summarize 这个故事,评论整首诗的语气,找出Rhyme scheme, 并且能说出这个 rhymescheme 起什么作用。
Death of anAircraft
One dayin our village in the month of July 1
Anaeroplane sank from the sea of the sky,
White asa whale it smashed on the shore
Bleedingoil and petrol all over the floor.
TheGermans advanced in the vertical heat 5
To savethe dead plane from the people of Crete,
And roundthe glass wreck in a circus of snow
Set sevenmechanical sentries to go.
Sevenstalking spiders about the sharp sun
Clickinglike clockwork and each with a gun 10
But at‘Come to the Cookhouse’ they all wheeled about
And satdown to sausages and sauerkraut.
Down fromthe mountain burning so brown
Wriggledthree heroes from Kastelo town
Deep inthe sand they silently sank 15
And eachstruck a match for a petrol tank.
Up wentthe plane in a feather of fire
As thebubbling boys began to retire
And, greyin the guardhouse, seven Berliners
Losttheir stripes as well as their dinners. 20
Down inthe village, at murder-stations,
TheGermans fell in friends and relations:
But not aKastelian snapped an eye
As hespat in the eye and prepared to die.
Not aKastelian whispered a word 25
Dressedwith the dust to be massacred,
Andsquinted up in the sky with a frown
As threebubbly boys came walking down.
One wassent to the county gaol
Too youngfor bullets if not for bail, 30
But theother two were in prime condition
To takeon a load of ammunition.
InArchonti they stood in the weather
Naked,hungry, chained together;
Stark asthe stones in the market-place, 35
Under theeyes of the populace.
Theirirons unlocked as their naked hearts
Theyfaced the squad and their funeral –carts.
TheCaptain cried, ‘Before you’re away
Is thereany last word you’d like to say?’ 40
‘I wantno words’, said one ‘with my lead,
Only somewater to cool my head’.
‘Water’,the other said ‘ ‘s all very fine
But I’llbe taking a glass of wine.
‘A glassof wine for the afternoon 45
Withpermission to sing a signature tune!’
And heran the raki down this throat
And tooka deep breath for the leading note.
Butbefore the squad could shoot or stay
Like theimpala he leapt away 50
Over therifles, under the biers,
Thebullets rattling round his ears.
‘Run’,they cried to the boy of stone
Who nowstood there in the street alone,
But,‘Rather than bring revenge on your head 55
It isbetter for me to die’, he said.
Thesoldiers turned their machine guns round
And shothim down with a dreadful sound
Scrubbedhis face with perpetual dark
Andrubbed it out like a pencil mark. 60
But hiscomrade slept in the olive tree
Andsailed by night on the gnawing sea,
Thesoldier’s silver shilling earned,
And,armed like an archangel, returned.