【泡泡一分钟】AC / DCC:Visual SLAM的动态摄像机群集的准确校准


标题:AC/DCC : Accurate Calibration of Dynamic Camera Clusters for Visual SLAM

作者:Jason Rebello Angus Fung and Steven L. Waslander

来源:2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)



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图1.一个动态摄像机组,它由两个静态摄像机和一个动态摄像机组成,该摄像机连接到210 RTK DJI Matrice上的3-DOF云台。




In order to relate information across cameras in aDynamic Camera Cluster (DCC), an accurate time-varying setof extrinsic calibration transformations need to be determined.Previous calibration approaches rely solely on collecting measurements from a known fiducial target which limits calibrationaccuracy as insufficient excitation of the gimbal is achieved. Inthis paper, we improve DCC calibration accuracy by collectingmeasurements over the entire configuration space of the gimbaland achieve a 10X improvement in pixel re-projection error. Weperform a joint optimization over the calibration parametersbetween any number of cameras and unknown joint anglesusing a pose-loop error optimization approach, thereby avoidingthe need for overlapping fields-of-view. We test our methodin simulation and provide a calibration sensitivity analysisfor different levels of camera intrinsic and joint angle noise.In addition, we provide a novel analysis of the degenerateparameters in the calibration when joint angle values areunknown, which avoids situations in which the calibrationcannot be uniquely recovered. The calibration code will be madeavailable at https://github.com/TRAILab/AC-DCC.

