
01Module 9 单词请点击绿标播放noise[nɒɪz]n.噪声;杂音prepare[prɪ'peə]v.准备;预备notes[nəʊts]n.(pl.)笔记;随笔report[rɪ'pɔːt]n.报告;汇报grow[grəʊ]v.增长;增大huge[hjuːdʒ]adj.巨大的;庞大的cause[kɔːz] v.造成;引起problem['prɒbləm]n.麻烦;问题increase['ɪŋkriːs]n.增大;增长birth[bɜːθ]n.出生billion['bɪljən]num.亿 fifth [fɪfθ]num.第五;五分之一 hang on[口]稍等 flat[flæt]n. 套房;公寓rubbish['rʌbɪʃ]n.垃圾;废弃物quiet['kwaɪət]adj.寂静的;安静的local ['ləʊkl] adj.当地的;本地的 close down (永久)关闭,关停pupil['pjuːpl]n.学生;(尤指)小学生pollution[pə'luːʃən]n.污染 public['pʌblɪk]adj.公共的;公众的service['sɜːvɪs]n.公共服务;服务solve[sɒlv]v.解决问题02Module9课文Module 9 Unit 1 课文Module 9 Unit 2 课文03Module9知识梳理重点句子1. 北京有多少人口?What’s the population of Beijing?2. 中国大约有13.7亿。The population ofChinais about 1.37 billion.=Chinahasa population of about 1.37 billion.3. 深圳人口比北京人口多。The population of Shenzhen is larger thanthat of Beijing.=Beijing has a larger population than Shenzhen.=Shenzhen is larger in population than Beijing.4. 北京市一个人口众多的大型城市。Beijing is a huge city with a large population.5. 我正在为一篇叫《我们正在增长的人口》的报告做笔记。I’m preparing some notes for a reportcalled‘Our growing population’.6. 这引发了很多问题,例如太多的车辆和噪音。This causes a lot of problems, such as toomuch traffic and noise.7. 人口增长在许多国家是个大问题。Population increase is a big problem inmany countries.8. 你知道世界上每分钟有多少婴儿出生吗?Do you know how many babies are born everyminute in the world?9. 那相当于一年有超过1.314亿的婴儿出生。That makes over 131.4 million births ayear.10. 我不能相信它!I can’t believe it!11. 那几乎是世界人口的五分之一,即大约70亿。That’s almost one fifth of the world’spopulation,that is, about 7 billion.12. 等一会儿。Hang on a minute!=Hold on a moment!13. 在将来,中国人口将不会增长这么快,因为家庭规模正在变小。In the future,China’s population won’t grow sofast, because families are getting smaller.14. 一个城市不应容纳超过100万的人口。A city shouldn’t hold more than one millionpeople.15. 阿恩威克是一个有20万人口的城市。Arnwick was a city with 200,000 people.16. 然而,住在城市中心的外围很贵的。However, it is expensive to live outsidethe city.17. 乔一家居住在其中一套公寓中。Jo’s family live in one og those flats.18. 当地的小学校5年前就关闭了。The small local school closed down fiveyears ago.19. 乘公共汽车到达那儿要花费一个小时时间。It takes an hour to get there by bus.20. 沿途交通拥堵,交通堵塞。There is a lot of traffic and pollution.21. 显然,阿恩威克需要更多的学校、公共汽车和医院。It is clear that Arnwick needs moreschools, buses and hospitals.22. 它需要新鲜的空气、干净的水源和更好的公共服务。It needs fresh air, clean water and betterpublic services.23. 它还需要更多的警察来保护它的居民。It also needs more police to protect itspeople.24. 它描述了全世界正在发生的事情。It describes what is happening all over theworld.25. 它会不会是你所在的城镇的明天呢?Could it be your town some day?26. 他们也制造出了更多的垃圾,所以政府不得不更加努力来保护城市不受污染。They also produce more rubbish, so thegovernment has to make more efforts to protect the city against pollution.27. 许多年轻人想离开农村,因为他们想在城市里找工作。Many young people want to leave thecountryside because they want to find jobs in the city.28. 她希望有一天她将会有机会去上大学。She hopes that one day she will have achance to go to college.29. 我们正努力工作使他们更好。We ae working to make them even better.30. (城市)没有足够的空间来容纳如此多的人。There is not enough space for so manypeople.31. 马路上交通如此拥挤,以至于在一些城市空气被严重污染。There is so much traffic on the roads thatin some cities the air is heavily polluted.32. 我们应该更加努力工作来保护我们的世界。We should work harder to protect our world.33. 共享一辆小汽车比拥有一辆私家车更便宜。It is cheaper to share a ca than to have apersonal car.34. 随着世界上的人越来越多,越来越多的水被使用。With more and more people in the world,more and more water is used.35. 因此,在许多地方获取优质而干净的水正成为一个问题。As a result, getting good, clean water isbecoming a problem in many places.36. 每年有超过340万人死于喝污染了的水和用污染了的水洗刷。More than 3.4 million people die each yearfrom drinking and washing with polluted water.37. 让我们竭尽全力来阻止污染、节约用水吧。Let’s do everything we can to stop thepollution and save water.重点词句1. noise n. 噪音【拓展】noisy adj.吵闹的,喧哗的voice n.嗓音  sound n.声音2. prepare v. 准备【用法】prepare…for…为……做准备3. such as 例如【用法】as为介词,后加名词、代词、动名词【辨析】forexample 例如 + 一个例子such as + 多个例子4. too much 太多【用法】too much 太多+不可数名词【拓展】too many 太多+可数名词5. one fifth 五分之一【拓展】分数的表达方法:基数词(分子)+序数词(分母),如果分子大于1,分  母的序数词要加s.分数+n.+谓语动词,动词的单复数根据名词来确定。6. hold v. 举行【拓展】v. 容纳7. move to 搬到……【拓展】move in搬进 move out搬出去8. crowded adj. 拥挤的【拓展】crowd n. 人群a large crowd of一大群……9. It takes an hour to get there by bus.【辨析】take,spend, pay, cost表花费It takes sb. time/money to do sth.人 spend time/money on sth./ (in)doing sth.人 pay money for sth.物 cost sb. money10. It is clear that…… 很明显……11. public service【用法】 in public在公共场合12. solve the problem 解决问题【拓展】answer thequestion 回答问题13. What is happening……【拓展】happen v. 发生(无被动)happen to do 碰巧做某事sth. happen to sb. 某人发生了某事(不好的事情)14. the same as 和……一样【反义】bedifferent from 和……不同15. space 空间可数名词【辨析】room表空间,是不可数名词16. face【用法】n. 脸 face to face面对面的v. 面对 face thedifficulty/problem面对困难/问题17. as a result 结果是1. talk about  谈论2. such as  例如3. population increase  人口增长4. make notes  记笔记5. the population of China  中国的人口6. one fifth  五分之一7. I can't believe it!  我简直无法相信!8. 7 billion  七十亿9. hang on  稍等10. more than  超过11. close to  靠近12. not...any more  不再13. local school  当地的学校14. close down  (永久)关闭,关停15. in fact  事实上16. all over the world  全世界17. too much rubbish  太多的垃圾18. for example  例如【短语归纳】1. prepare for =get ready for  为…..做准备2. too much + 不可数名词   太多的too many + 可数名词复数much too+adj.  太...much too heavy=too heavy 太重3. growing population= increasing population正在增长的人口4. one fifth of  五分之一two fifths of 五分之二5. hang on a minute=wait a minute=wait amoment等一下6. It is clear that +句子  很清楚、很明显7. an eight-year-old girl  一个8岁大的女孩8.  danger(n.)  in danger处于危险中Dangerous危险的(adj.)  safe安全的9. be excited to do sth.兴奋去做某事10. make lethave sb. do sth.  使、让某人做某事make sb. adj.11. have no place to live in没有地方可住12. look for寻找(过程)find找到(结果)find out查清(通过研究找出结果)13.be surprisedinterestedexcited to dosth.14. 惊奇的有兴趣的兴奋的去做某事15. less and less 越来越少 +不可数名词fewer and fewer越来越少 +可数名词more and more越来越多  +可数、不可数名词16. make a plan定一个计划17. adj. enough to do sth. 足够…..去做某事18. go back=return返回19. such as没有逗号,后面一般加n.或者短语for example一般有逗号,后面一般加句子20. not…any more 不再…..close down 关闭;关停21. solve a problem 解决问题【重点句型】1. The population of China is about 1.37 billion. 中国人口大约是十三亿七千万。2. Beijing is a huge city with a big population. 北京是一个拥有众多人口的大城市。3. Population increase is a big problem in many countries. 人口增长问题在许多国家都是一个大问题。4. That causes a lot of problems, such as too much traffic and noise. 那样会造成很多问题,例如交通拥堵和噪声太多。5. I can’t believe! 我简直无法相信!6. It takes an hour to get there by bus. 乘公共汽车去那里需要花一个小时。7. It is clear that Arnwick needs more school. 显然,阿恩维克需要更多的学校。8. What’s the population of China? 中国的人口是多少?9. That’s almost one fifth of the world’s population. 那几乎是世界人口的五分之一。10. Hang on a minute! I’ll write that down too! 等等!我要把这点也记下来!作文范文作文一某英文杂志正在就人口问题对你做调查,你所在的城市人口多吗?人口增长带来哪些问题?你对此有什么好的建议和想法?请你根据以上问题提示,以“The population of my city”为话题,写一篇80词左右的英语文章。____________________________________________________________________________范文:The population of my cityI live in a small city,but the population of it is very large. With more and more people,there is more and more pollution. There is too much traffic in the streets. It is very noisy every day. And the air in the city isn't clean and fresh. Rubbish is found here and there.Sometimes it smells terrible. The water in the river and lake is polluted by the factories. Many fish are dead.I think the government should do something to protect our environment and control the increasing population. There will be better in the future点评:◆本文是一篇介绍人口问题的话题类作文,主要包含3个基本要素:引出话题(第1段第1句);介绍现状(第1段第2—第9句);陈述观点(第2段)。作文二随着社会的发展,我们的国家变得越来越强大了。但是,众多的人口给社会带来了一系列的问题。根据下表提示,以The population problem为题写一篇90词左右的短文。Energy  and watershortTrafficheavyPublic placesmore crowdedPlaces to livefewerJobsdifficult to find范文:The population problemWith the development of the society,China is becoming stronger and stronger.But the large population has been a big problem for our country. Because of the large population,we are short of energy and water. The traffic is much heavier in most big cities. Public places are too crowded. People have fewer places to live in and it's difficult for many of them to find jobs.Although China is developing quickly and people's living conditions are improving greatly,we still have a long way to go to solve the problems.

