一个点评超5亿的旅行网站 | 3分钟学雅思





Describe a website you like to visit.


∨《3分钟学雅思》第四季 第11期 点击观看


I want to talk about a useful website which is Trip Advisor. You can find it on the internet and I just have it as a favourite on my toolbar. I am a complete TripAdvisor junkie! I visit the website every time when I plan my travels. The website is massive and functional. It provides hotel and restaurant reviews, accommodation bookings and other travel-related content.

TripAdvisor, for me, is a one-stop location for all tourism information. I really like that I can have different options of accommodation, but it also provides a lot of guidance for your travelling. You'll also find low airfares, free travel guides, worldwide vacation rental listings, popular forums with advice about virtually every destination, and more. I wonder if you also use the website too, and if you do, whether you might also be as avid a follower as me.


1.  toolbar n. 工具栏

2.  junkie n.上瘾的人,忠实粉丝

3.  massive adj. 有众多信息的

4.  functional adj. 功能性强的

5.  one-stop location 一站式服务

6.  virtually adv. 几乎

7.  avid adj. 热衷的,劲头十足的

