雅思口语Part 2话题:双十二又来了,让你剁手的淘宝APP该如何描述?






3分钟学雅思· 第7季 ·第47期






《3分钟学雅思》第七季 第47期 点击观看

Describe a program or an app that you think is useful.

You should say:
What it is
How you know about it

how to use it
And explain why you think it is useful.


Taobao is one of the top Chinese apps, which is a marketplace that is quite similar to Amazon. Consumers can acquire product information, communicate with other customers, and receive real-time messages from venders on Taobao. Due to the fact that it brings great convenience for both sellers and consumers, nowadays it is one of the most visited online-shopping apps.

First of all, you can get rich choices and it’s quite easy to use the app. There’re a bunch of products offered on Taobao. All you need to do is firstly use the search bar to search what you need. And when you find something you like, you can save them for later or add to your cart and buy immediately. It saves you a lot of time and trouble. You don’t have to go to shopping malls and you can simply get what you’ve bought delivered to your door. Apart from that, items on Taobao are usually cheaper as it has no third-party agent fees, you only pay for the goods you are buying. Also, during once-a-year shopping holidays like Single’s Day or Double 12, you can enjoy steep discounts and other promotions.


1. vender n. 卖家

2. search bar 搜索栏

3. add to cart 加入购物车

