美国实力派画家 Brad Reuben Kunkle 绘画,演绎金色的浪漫!







Brad Reuben Kunkle,美国画家,出生于1978年在宾夕法尼亚州利哈伊顿,现工作和居住在纽约,作品偏爱黄色及叶子元素。

具象画家 Brad Reuben Kunkle将现实主义、幻想和心理深度融合在他光辉的女性作品中。在职业生涯早期,他在石油行业工作后,开始对自己的绘画中添加金银叶的可能性感兴趣,并从古斯塔夫·克里姆特那里得到灵感。这导致作品的表面闪闪发光,随着光线的移动,似乎散发出自己的光芒。


Brad Reuben   Kunkle, an American painter, was born in lihayton, Pennsylvania in 1978. Now he works and lives in New York. His works prefer yellow and leaf elements.

The figurative painter Brad Reuben Kunkle deeply integrates realism, fantasy and psychology into his brilliant female works. Early in his career, after working in the oil industry, he began to be interested in the possibility of adding gold and silver leaves to his paintings and got inspiration from Gustav Klimt. This causes the surface of the work to glitter, as the light moves, it seems to emit its own light.

The women in his works are on a par with nature. They are nature itself. For example, the bird of Paradise (2011) focuses on a female image. Its lower half is more peacock than human beings. Behind her is a tail with wide eyes. In other works, butterflies, birds and leaves surround Kunkle's extraordinary women in the energy vortex, as if their bodies were in the process of reducing these subtle natural things.

