图片发自简书App金庸小说编年史,从翻译来看,少了韵味,多了历史大背景,或许这就是文化的差异?最奇葩的是鸳鸯刀的翻译,什么鸭子的,不知道的是在讲烤鸭呢!🤗1955《书本与剑的档案:乾隆帝与中国秘密社会》(The File of the Book and the Sword: the Ch’ien‐lung Emperor and Chinese Secret Societies)。书剑恩仇录1956《绿色血液之剑:袁承志与明清政治》(A Sword of Green Blood: Yuan Ch’eng‐chi and Politics Between the Ming and Ch’ing Dynasties)碧血剑1957《射雕的英雄:一部传记》(The Condor—Shooting Heroes: A Biography)射雕英雄传1959《神圣的雕之罗曼史》(Romance of the Divine Condor)神雕侠侣1959《飞翔狐狸:一位18世纪游侠的个案研究》(Flying Fox:Studies into an individual Kinght‐errant in the 18th Century)上部《狐狸,飞过雪山》(Fox Flies over Snowy Montains)1960 下部《飞翔狐狸的青年时代》(The Flying Fox’s Youth)雪山飞狐1961《天之剑与龙之刀:元代武术世界与地下宗教》(The Heavenly Sword and the Dragon Saber:the Kungfu World and Underground Cults in the Yuan Dynasty)。倚天屠龙记1961《满大人鸭子刀的传说与历史》(“The Mandarin Duck Sabers:Legend and History”)鸳鸯刀1961《哭泣的白马,随风而去》(Crying White Horse, Gone with the Wind)白马啸西风1963年《秘密如同城市》(Secret is Like a City)连城诀1963年《天神与龙的战争史:北宋后期的武术世界》(History of Wars between Heavenly Gods and Dragons:Kungfu World in Late Northern Song)天龙八部1965年《游侠之歌:或一个武术乌托邦的覆灭》(Song of Kinghts‐errant:or the Fall of a Kungfu Utopia)侠客行196年《江河与湖泊上微笑而骄傲的漫游者:明代中期武术门派与教派的战争》(The Smiling, Proud Wanderer on Rivers and Lakes:Wars between Martial Schools and Cults in the Mid‐Ming Period)笑傲江湖1970越国女士的剑(Sword of the Lady of the Yue Kingdom)越女剑1972年《鹿鼎公爵传》(A Life of Duke Ludingius)鹿鼎记