前几期学习了卫报:导弹造成阿塞拜疆市12人丧生、卫报:卡拉巴赫仍发生新的战斗、卫报:金正恩参谒志愿军烈士陵园、卫报:智利人以压倒性多数赞成新宪法、卫报:阿尔法·孔德当选几内亚总统关注微博:@读外刊学英语原文:A major 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of western Turkey on Friday, the US Geological Survey said, with initial reports indicating damage to buildings but no immediate casualties.美国地质调查局说,星期五在土耳其西部沿海发生了一场7.0级大地震,初步报告显示建筑物受到了破坏,但没有立即造成人员伤亡。结构分析:A major 7.0 magnitude earthquake是主语,struck off 是谓语,the coast of western Turkey是宾语,on Friday是时间状语,the US Geological Survey是主语,said是谓语(过去一般时),with initial reports indicating damage to buildings but no immediate casualties是状语。词汇:1. struck off/kɒntrə'vɜːʃ(ə)l/ 袭击例句:On December 26, 2004, a magnitude 9 earthquake struck off the coast of Indonesia.2004年12月26日,印度尼西亚海岸发生了9级地震。英语外刊,精读练习:1.句子结构、时态等分析;2.将英文译成中文。The quake, which was felt from Istanbul to Athens, hit close to the Turkish resort city of Izmir, which has around three million residents.【卫报】