小朋友们是不是都很喜欢动物呢?相信大部分小朋友们首先认识的动物就是“农场动物”,这些动物都是在我们生活中必不可少的,今天介绍的绘本故事就是发生在农场中的《Hattie and the Fox》。
Hattie was a big black hen. One morning she looked up and said,海蒂是一只黑色的大母鸡,有一天早晨她一抬头发现了什么然后说到"Goodness gracious me! I can see a nose in the bushes!"“Good grief!" said the goose."Well,well!" said the pig."Who cares?" said the sheep."So what?" said the horse."What next?" said the cow.I can see a nose and two eyes in the bushes!"“Good grief!" said the goose."Well,well!" said the pig."Who cares?" said the sheep."So what?" said the horse."What next?" said the cow.I can see a nose, two eyes, and two ears in the bushes!"我看见灌木丛里有一个鼻子,两只眼睛还有两只耳朵!”Good grief!" said the goose."Well,well!" said the pig."Who cares?" said the sheep."So what?" said the horse."What next?" said the cow.I can see a nose, two eyes, two ears, and two legs in the bushes!"我看见灌木丛里有一只鼻子,两只眼睛,两只耳朵还有两条腿!"Good grief!" said the goose."Well,well!" said the pig."Who cares?" said the sheep."So what?" said the horse."What next?" said the cow.I can see a nose, two eyes, two ears, two legs, and a body in the bushes!"我看见灌木丛里有一只鼻子,两只眼睛,两只耳朵,两条腿还有一个身体!”"Good grief!" said the goose."Well,well!" said the pig."Who cares?" said the sheep."So what?" said the horse."What next?" said the cow.I can see a nose, two eyes, two ears, a body, four legs, and a tail in thebushes!我看见灌木丛里有一只鼻子,两只眼睛,两只耳朵,一个身体,四条腿还有一条尾巴!And she flew very quickly into a nearby tree."Oh,dear!" said the sheep."Oh,help!" said the horse.so loudly that the fox was frightened and ran away.And they were all so surprised that none of them said anything for a very longtime.gracious [ˈɡreɪʃəs] inter. 天哪,哎呀;bushes[bʊʃɪz] n. 灌木;丛林地带;Goodness gracious me! 加强语气的作用!“拼搭”可以说是所有小朋友都喜欢的游戏之一,几块积木就可以搭一栋高楼,而配合着绘本让拼搭融入故事不论是作为绘本拓展还是拼搭练习都是很好的方式。在开始拼搭前和孩子一起阅读绘本,之后和孩子一起将书中的情景拼出来,搭配动物模型,一个完整的农场就出现在孩子面前。在拼搭的过程中孩子不仅可以熟悉绘本中动物的词汇hen、goose、pig、sheep、horse、cow、fox还可以拓展更多的词汇比如鸡舍、马棚等孩子在生活中很难接触到的词汇。在《Hattie and the Fox》除了农场动物认知还涉及到了身体部位认知,眼睛、鼻子、嘴这些孩子伸伸小手就能摸到的部位都是孩子最感兴趣的,认知起来也最容易。最开始可以从儿歌《head shoulders knees and toes》开始,歌词如下:Head and shoulders, knees and toes.Head and shoulders, knees and toes.Eyes and ears and mouth and nose.Head and shoulders, knees and toes.后续家长们还可以一边指着对应部位一边讲单词帮助孩子拓展更多词汇。