TE||Of all the tea in China






Of all the tea in China 


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Of all the tea in China


A naturally caffeine-free tea plant is discovered



How Much Caffeine Is In Coffee, Tea, Cola And Energy Drinks and some introduction about caffeine


The world loves a cuppa. Even though it takes just a few grams for a brew-up, some 3m tonnes of tea are consumed every year. And tea can be good for you, as it contains compounds that help to lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. But there is a downside. Tea contains caffeine which, although it improves mental alertness, can also cause anxiety, insomnia and other problems.



1.brew-up: an act of making tea 沏茶

2.15 Tea Traditions From Around the World




Sipping decaffeinated tea can help, but there are drawbacks to this, too. Stripping away caffeine from tea involves either immersing the leaves in carbon dioxide at extremely high pressure or treating the leaves with searing hot water. Although this will get rid of most of the caffeine, it can cause collateral damage to some of the fragile compounds that give tea its benefits. And, as with decaf coffee, which is treated in similar ways, many people argue that it also spoils the flavour.


1. searing:extremely hot炽热的,灼热的:

the searing heat of the desert沙漠的灼热高温

2. collateral damage:people who are hurt or killed, or property that is damaged accidentally in a war – used especially by the army, navy etc附带性的破坏〔尤为军队等用语〕:

·Hitting any non-military targets would risk 'collateral damage'.击中任何非军事目标都有可能带来附带损害。

3. carbon dioxide at extremely high pressure超临界CO2流体萃取(SFE)是利用超临界流体的溶解能力与其密度的关系,即利用压力和温度对超临界流体溶解能力的影响而进行的。在超临界状态下,将超临界流体与待分离的物质接触,使其有选择性地把极性大小、沸点高低和分子量大小的成分依次萃取出来. 在食品工业中,啤酒花的提取,色素的提取等;在香料工业中,天然及合成香料的精制;化学工业中混合物的分离等。摘自百度百科

4. 想喝一杯不含咖啡因的茶?


What would be agreeable is a tea plant that provides all the taste and goodness but with little or none of the caffeine. Liang Chen and Ji-Qiang Jin of the Tea Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences think they have found just such a plant growing wild in a remote area in Fujian province, southern China. As they report in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, not only is the tea plant naturally caffeine-free but it also contains a number of unique medicinal compounds that, the locals believe, offer considerable health benefits.


This is not the first such find. In 2011 a tea plant discovered in neighbouring Guangdong province was found to contain little or no caffeine. That plant, known as Camellia ptilophylla, contains compounds that look promising for the treatment of obesity, although research is still continuing. That discovery spurred Chinese botanists to look for others that might be hiding in the rugged vastness of the country, and the latest find is one result.


Known locally as Hongyacha, the newly discovered plant grows only between 700 and 1,000 metres above sea level around a handful of Chinese alpine villages. Although Hongyacha has never been formally studied in a laboratory, people in the region have been experimenting with its properties for generations and claim it provides medical benefits ranging from curing colds and lowering fevers to soothing stomach pains.


Dr Chen and his colleagues confirmed that Hongyacha does indeed lack caffeine. Using a variety of procedures, including liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, they found it also contains an intriguing array of other compounds in its buds and leaves. Of particular interest was a compound in the plant’s leaves that is known to hamper the growth of tumours as they attempt to improve their access to nutrients by growing new blood vessels.


Upon closer inspection of Hongyacha’s genetics, the researchers discovered that the absence of caffeine was the result of a mutation in the gene that codes for the production of an enzyme known as caffeine synthase. Somewhat surprisingly, this mutation is different from the one found in C. ptilophylla and suggests that the two plants made their evolutionary journey towards losing caffeine independently.


Precisely why caffeine—which, being lethal to many insects, functions as a pesticide in some plants—was selected against by evolution remains an open question. It is possible that the metabolic cost of producing caffeine was high and that other compounds that were easier for the plant to make were as effective. It is also possible that threats from insects were reduced at some point in the history of these two plants, and that led to the selection of individuals that lacked the insecticide.


The researchers are now exploring methods to protect Hongyacha in its natural habitat while further studies are carried out. It can take time—and sometimes it does not work—for new plant varieties to be bred for commercial use. A pair of naturally caffeine-free coffee plants were discovered in 2003, but little progress has been reported. Tea enthusiasts will be watching Hongyacha with interest. And others will wonder what else is out there.


















根据Chen Liang的报道(Jin, J. Q. et al,2018)红芽茶是一种新的无咖啡因茶饮料。此外,该研究团队还发现了一些其他茶饮料里面没有的成分,比如catechin-(4 → 8)-gallocatechin, gallate, 1,3,4,6-tetra-O-galloyl-β-D-glucopyranose, 和 (−)-gallocatechin-3,5-di-O-gallate,

咖啡因(1, 3, 7‐trimethylxanthine)是一种嘌呤生物碱,当今世界里,咖啡豆以及茶叶是最主要的两种咖啡因摄入来源(Barone &Roberts,1996)。2007年,含咖啡因饮品在市场上的比例大致为咖啡(71%), 软饮料(16%), 以及茶饮料 (12%) (Channel Check, 2008)。

咖啡因对人体健康的影响有正有负。许多研究结果表明咖啡因对于人类的心情以及警觉有正面作用。在帕金森方面,咖啡因可以减轻帕金森综合征中的震颤、技能退化等症状(Blandini et,al 2000; Trevitt et al, 2009). 咖啡因有研究证明可以减轻紫外线对皮肤癌的影响,紫外线对DNA的损伤会引发基因突变。咖啡因在老鼠的临床研究已经证实了紫外线的作用。(Hakim et al, 2000; Abel et, al, 2007; Rees et al, 2007; Kerzendorfer and O'Driscoll, 2009). 至于负面影响,图标1可以看到有咖啡因有联系的各种症状。咖啡因的LD50(半数致死量,该摄入量下,半数样本死亡)随着体重而因人而异,大概在150-200毫克每千克体重。咖啡因致死情况通常仅出现在咖啡因药品上(Peters, J. M,1967)。而另一项研究表面,在健康成年人群体中,每天摄入量在400毫克以下(60毫克咖啡因每千克体重)时,咖啡因与任何不良反应无关(Nawrot et al, 2003)。

Table 1— Human studies examining the association of caffeine and/or coffee consumption and risk factors of the metabolic syndrome(Heckman et al,2010)


Barone, J. J., & Roberts, H. R. (1996). Caffeine consumption. Food and chemical toxicology34(1), 119-129.

Channel Check. 2008. Bev Spect 6:14–7.

Kerzendorfer, C., & O'Driscoll, M. (2009). UVB and caffeine: inhibiting the DNA damage response to protect against the adverse effects of UVB. Journal of Investigative Dermatology129(7), 1611-1613.

Hakim, I. A., Harris, R. B., & Weisgerber, U. M. (2000). Tea intake and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin: influence of type of tea beverages. Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Biomarkers9(7), 727-731.

Heckman, M. A., Weil, J., & De Mejia, E. G. (2010). Caffeine (1, 3, 7‐trimethylxanthine) in foods: a comprehensive review on consumption, functionality, safety, and regulatory matters. Journal of food science75(3), R77-R87.

Jin, J. Q., Chai, Y. F., Liu, Y. F., Zhang, J., Yao, M. Z., & Chen, L. (2018). Hongyacha, a Naturally Caffeine-free Tea Plant from Fujian, China. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry.

Rees JR, Stukel TA, Perry AE, Zens MS, Spencer SK, Karagas MR. 2007. Tea consumption and basal cell and squamous cell skin cancer: results of a case control study. J Am Acad Dermatol 56:781–5.

Nawrot, P., Jordan, S., Eastwood, J., Rotstein, J., Hugenholtz, A., & Feeley, M. (2003). Effects of caffeine on human health. Food Additives & Contaminants20(1), 1-30.

Peters, J. M. (1967). Factors affecting caffeine toxicity: a review of the literature. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology7(3), 131-141.

Rees, J. R., Stukel, T. A., Perry, A. E., Zens, M. S., Spencer, S. K., & Karagas, M. R. (2007). Tea consumption and basal cell and squamous cell skin cancer: results of a case-control study. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology56(5), 781-785.



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