How to carry out Fuel Bunker Piping Hydrostatic pr...



'Fuel bunkering pipeline' is refers to the fuel pipeline from fuel transfer pumpto deck bunkering station manifold end flange, it usually trend from both side bunkering station to bunkering main pipeline, then to control valve in branch pipeline of each fuel oil storage tanks , then to each storage tank. The bunkering pipeline from bunkering station manifold end flange to control valve of each fuel oil storage tank and the pipeline from fuel oil transfer pump delivery valve to branch pipeline(for oil were transferred between each storage tanks) need for pressure test.



1.5times (MAWP)  with usual pressure test, reports issued by shipyard; annual pressure test carried out by the crew , usually during the ocean voyage, test report should be kept on board; test media shall not be used with air and water, you can only use fuel oil or similar liquid.

1.5倍最大允许工作压力(MAWP试验应在坞检时由船厂协助试验,与通常的压力试验一样,由船厂出具报告即可;年度试验由船员实施,一般在大洋航行期间实施,试验报告由船上出;试验介质不得使用空气和水,只能使用燃油或类似液体(建议使用MDO or MGO)。

Implementationand requirements for captain need to keep effective bunkering pipeline pressure test results and the date recorded, including records for1.5 times MAWP test 2 times each 5 years; and take pressure test every year, which does not less than100%  MAWP of pressure test, in order to show the records to USCG when take PSC inspection, and marked on fuel oil bunkering pipeline (test date, and pressure);

实并要求船长保存有效的加油管路的压力试验结果、日期的书面记录,包括每5进行2次1.5倍最大允许工作压力的静水压力试验和每进行一次不小于1 00%最大允许工作压力的压力试验记录,以便在PSC检查时向USCG检查官出示;并在加油管上做好标识(试验日期、压力);

Supervise crew enhance bunkering pipeline maintenance to ensure that the piping, valves,filters, tanks, such as no rust/corrosion, maintain pressure gauge, thermometer(if any), maintaining identity including oil saver volume are accurate andclear;


Bunkeringfuel oil procedures should specify the maximum allowable working pressure of bunkering pipeline.


千万要记住标识管路压力试验时也是有套路的,建议标示为“Hydrostatic pressure test ”而不要标识为“pressure test”, 从字面上我们就可以看出一个是静压试验,一个是压力试验。 然而在2011 年9月美国新奥尔良海岸警卫队早就有对此作出规定为Hydrostatic pressure test,并对压力值以及试验媒介都做出要求。参考美联邦规则33CFR.156.170。但试验耐压时间没有做出要求。可自行斟酌,但建议5-10Min 为宜。


  1. 使用燃油驳运泵本身对加油管路进行静压试验(如图,执行程序可以自己脑补)

  2. 使用外加手动液压泵接加油管路进行静压试验(如下图,执行程序自行脑补)



建议:1.模仿刚出厂做的那份证书,当然厂里提供的有公章, 我们虽没有,但可以用船章或者船长章,证明是被该压力试验方式和压力值受到船长认可,因为船长是船舶所有操作的监督者和法律责任承担者,或则将自制的证书发回公司机务审核一下,按其指导制作相应证书。2.保留所有带有日期的压力试验照片,特别是压力表显示值的照片,以防检查人员要求提供证据。

