

1971 出生于苏州
2019 修毕于上海艺术学院当代水墨艺术研究院,师从现代水墨之父刘国松老师、皮道坚老师、石墨老师、林明杰老师等


Wong Tik Wa  
1971 Born in Suzhou
2019 Studied in Contemporary Ink Painting Research Institute of Shanghai Art Universitystudied with the father of modern ink painting, Liu Guosong,  Mr. Pi Daojian, Mr. Shi Mo, and Mr. Lin Mingjie, etc

Currently lives in Hong Kong, a student of the famous artist Lam Tian Xing. Vice President of the 4D Art Club, Assistant Secretary General of Hong Kong Culture and Art Exchange Association, Member of Hong Kong Art Association, Member of Hong Kong Culture Association, Member of Xiang Gang Mei Xie and Member of Hong Kong Modern Ink Painting Society

天涯  纸本设色  2020

The End of the World

Ink and color on paper


海角  纸本水墨  2020


Ink on paper


Wong utilizes the vertical nature of art paper and let the ink flows naturally following its texture. Therefrom, the basic element and lines of the picture is created from thisseemingly unordered process. She then uses an original idea of using burning scent to outline the edge of basic sketch, exploring new water ink techniques in her own completely boundless mind towards the beauty of simplicity and finally achieve a philosophical self-cultivation.
020 Art Observation Magazine

风雨后的彩虹  纸本水墨  2020

Rainbow after wind and rain

Ink on paper


紫气东来  纸本设色  2019

The Purple Air comes from the east

Ink and color on paper

93×47 cm

山青水秀  纸本设色  2019

Clear waters and Green hills

Ink and color on paper


天际红妆  纸本设色  2019

Red dowry to the horizon,

Ink and color on paper



2019  粤港澳大湾区美术作品展,广州美术学院大学城美术馆,广州,中国

2018  《相约呼伦贝尔》香港名家水墨画交流展,鄂温克博物馆,呼伦贝尔,中国

2018  《水墨娴情》香港水墨女画家作品展,云峰画苑,香港,中国

2017  庆祝香港回归20周年深港美术作品交流展,深圳画院美术馆,深圳,中国

2017  《水墨双城》第七屇港深水墨交流展,香港中央图书馆,香港,中国

2017  《凭著爱》当代女性艺术展,香港中环交易广场中央大厅,香港,中国

2015  《水墨彩》四维彩墨会员作品展,香港大会堂,香港,中国

Selected Exhibitions

2019 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Art Exhibition, University Town Art Museum, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou, China

2018 "Meet in Hulunbuir" Ink Painting Exchange Exhibition of Hong Kong Famous Artists, Ewenki Museum, Hulunbuir, China

2018 "Ink Elegance" Hong Kong Women Ink Artists Exhibition, Yunfeng Painting Academy, Hong Kong, China

2017 Shenzhen-Hong Kong Art Exchange Exhibition to Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return, Shenzhen Art Museum, Shenzhen, China

2017 "Two Cities of Ink Painting" The 7th Ink Exchange Exhibition in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, Hong Kong Central Library, Hong Kong, China

2017 "With Love"Contemporary Women Art Exhibition, Central Hall, Exchange Square, Central of Hong Kong, China

2015 "Ink and Color" 4D color ink member works Exhibition, Hong Kong City Hall, Hong Kong, China

