印度疫情11月1日与十大新闻(澳大利亚认可Covaxin和国药疫苗;比亚迪印度推出e6车型;印度 10 月份工厂活动快速扩张)


印度卫生部通知,该国单日多达 12,514 人的新冠检测呈阳性,使病例总数达到 3,42,85,814,活跃病例总数为 1,58,817,为 248 天以来的最低水平。

印度卫生部进一步表示,活跃病例占总感染人数的 0.46%,为 2020 年 3 月以来的最低水平。

在过去的 24 小时内,共有 251 人死于这种致命病毒,死亡人数达到 4,58,437。同时,过去24小时内有12,718人康复,使康复总数达到3,3668,560人。

印度的新冠病例总数在 2020 年 8 月 7 日超过 200 万大关,8 月 23 日超过 300 万大关,9 月 5 日超过 400 万,9 月 16 日超过 500 万。9 月 28 日超过 600 万,10 月 11 日超过 700 万10 月 29 日突破 800 万,11 月 20 日突破 900 万,12 月 19 日突破一千万大关。

印度在2021年 5 月 4 日和 6 月 23 日跨越了两千万和三千万的里程碑。

在印度,共有 1,06,31,24,205 人接种了新冠疫苗。





Australian health ministry website says: “Today, (Australia’s) Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) determined that Covaxin (manufactured by Bharat Biotech, India) and BBIBP-CorV (manufactured by Sinopharm, China) vaccines would be 'recognised' for the purpose of establishing a traveller's vaccination status.
This recognition is for travellers aged 12 and over who have been vaccinated with Covaxin, and those 18 to 60 who have been vaccinated with BBIBP-CorV.”



根据 2011 年 1 月签署的合同,在 Mazagon Docks 建造的四艘 7,400 吨隐形驱逐舰中的第一艘在延迟三年多后于周四交付给海军。

NEW DELHI: With China now fielding the world’s largest Navy and fast constructing two more aircraft carriers to add to its two existing ones, the Indian Navy has finally got  a new indigenous guided-missile destroyer even as its second aircraft carrier undergoes another set of sea trials.
The first of the four 7,400-tonne stealth destroyers being constructed at Mazagon Docks, under a contract inked in January 2011, was delivered to the Navy on Thursday after a delay of well over three years.



印度政府的高管与台积电(TSMC)、英特尔(Intel)、AMD、富士通(Fujitsu)、联华电子(United Microelectronics Corp.)等一些顶级半导体制造商进行了积极的讨论,印度政府正加紧努力,推动倍受期待的半导体投资进入该国。

NEW DELHI: India will roll out a mega multi-billion-dollar capital support and production-linked incentive plan to push manufacturing of semiconductors in the country, the move coming at a time when industries across sectors face massive production cuts due to global chip shortage, top sources have said.
Senior officers are engaged in active discussions with some of the top semiconductor makers such as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC), Intel, AMD, Fujitsu, United Microelectronics Corp., as the government steps up efforts to drive in the much-wanted semiconductor investments into the country.


IHS Markit 编制的制造业采购经理人指数从 9 月份的 53.7 跃升至 10 月份的 55.9,为 2 月份以来的最高水平。

一项私人调查显示,由于需求强劲和产量增加,印度 10 月份的工厂活动以八个月来最快的速度扩张,尽管原材料成本的再次飙升给前景蒙上了阴影。


The Manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index, compiled by IHS Markit, jumped to 55.9 in October from September's 53.7, the highest since February.
India's factory activity expanded at its quickest pace in eight months in October on strong demand and increased output, though another surge in the cost of raw materials cast a shadow over the outlook, a private survey showed.
Monday's data pointed to an extended business recovery in Asia's third-largest economy from the pandeacmic-induced slump and, alongside rising price pressures, may boost views the Reserve Bank of India will tighten monetary policy earlier than expected, like other major central banks.


孟买:周一开盘交易中,印度卢比兑美元汇率贬值 16 分至 75.04,受海外市场美元走强的拖累。

MUMBAI: The Indian rupee depreciated by 16 paise to 75.04 against the US dollar in opening trade on Monday, weighed down by the strength of the American currency in the overseas market.



WASHINGTON: Coca-Cola is preparing to take full control of the sports drink group BodyArmor in a deal worth $5.6 billion, the Wall Street Journal reported Sunday.

Coca-Cola already holds a 30 percent stake in the sports drink group.



新德里:周一,中国电动汽车制造商比亚迪的印度分公司以 296 万卢比的专卖店价格推出了“全新 e6”车型。

NEW DELHI: Chinese electric vehicle maker BYD’s Indian arm on Monday launched its 'all new e6’ model at an ex-showroom price of ₹29.6 lakh.
BYD India was set up in 2007 in Chennai and has an office in New Delhi. The Indian subsidiary has two factories, covering more than 140,000 sqm, with a cumulative investment of over $150 million.


捷克汽车制造商斯柯达周一报告称,凭借其新推出的中型 SUV Kushaq,2021 年 10 月在印度的销量增长了两倍以上,达到 3,065 辆。

Czech carmaker Skoda on Monday reported over two-fold jump in sales in India at 3,065 units in October 2021 riding on the back of its newly launch mid-size SUV Kushaq.


行业顶级机构 Nasscom 周一与野村研究所 (NRI) 合作发布的一份报告称,到 2023 年,日本对印度 IT 和创业生态系统的投资预计将在印度创造 3,61,000 个科技工作岗位。
根据该报告,日本在印度的投资自 2016 年以来增长了 4 倍以上,迄今已帮助创造了 102,000 个工作岗位。在接下来的几年里,这个就业人数将增加一倍以上,仅初创公司就占这些工作的 80%。
根据该报告,日本在 2016 年至 2021 年(到目前为止)对印度 IT 的投资达到 92 亿美元,其特点是交易数量不断增加,主要是软银等大型投资者。

Japanese investments in the Indian IT and startup ecosystem is expected to create 3,61,000 tech jobs in India by 2023, said a report released by industry apex body Nasscom in partnership with Nomura Research Institute (NRI) on Monday.
According to the report, Japanese investments in India have grown over 4 times since 2016 and helped create 102,000 jobs so far. This employment number will more than double in the next over a couple of years with startups alone accounting for 80% of these jobs.
Japanese investments into Indian IT between 2016 and 2021 (so far) reached $9.2 billion characterised by a growing number of deals mostly by large investors like Softbank, as per the report.


私营研究公司印度经济监测中心的数据显示,10 月份的失业率从 9 月份的三个月低点 6.86% 上升至 7.75%。周一显示。数据显示,农村失业率从上月的 6.06% 跃升至 7.91%,而城镇失业率从 8.62% 降至 7.38%。

India’s jobless rate rose as unemployment surged in the nation’s rural areas, even as non-farm jobs notch up gains with the economy emerging from pandemic curbs.

Unemployment in October rose to 7.75% from a three-month low of 6.86% in September, data from private research firm Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. showed Monday. Rural unemployment jumped to 7.91% from 6.06% the previous month, whereas urban joblessness dropped to 7.38% from 8.62%, the data showed.
