谷歌发布新手机抢占市场 | Powerful Pixel Phones of Google is Coming


At the crucial moment of Samsung’s Phone Explosion Event and unpopular Apple’s new product iPhone 7, it is so funny and boisterous. Nowadays, Google tries to join the fun. Probably, Google has impressed most people a lot with the image of search engine. And it is independent of phone business.

在三星手机出现“爆炸门事件”、苹果新品iPhone 7也遭吐槽的紧要关头,如此热闹,现在Google公司也想凑凑热闹。估计在很多人的印象中,Google是强大的搜索引擎,跟手机业务完全不搭边。

Actually, in the early 2005, Google has already purchased a phone-related company and it is making full preparations all the time and ready to take off. The early of October 5 Beijing time, Google launched new product release conference in San Francisco of the United States. Next, let’s pay a view to Pixel!


Compared with the luxury iPhone 7 release conference in early September, that of Google seems dowdy and simple. Maybe, Google is quite confident with its new products. And what matters most is the product! This time, as Google Phone, Pixel makes an announcement to the whole world with caved letters of Phone by Google and G are being caved on it.

相对于九月初的豪华版苹果新品发布会,Google新品发布会略显寒酸简陋。难道是Google公司对这次的新品特别自信,内涵才是最重要!而且这一次,Pixel手机上刻有Phone by Google还有G的字样,向世界宣告他们是“谷歌手机”。

However, I am still worried about it. For example, the former phones of Nexus function well without a lot of promotion. Also, the sales is just so so. Without my mention,  many people just have never heard them. As a result, deeply buried gold cannot shine!


Pixel, there are two sizes available—Pixel with five-inch screen and Pixel Xl with 5.5-inch screen.  Pixel phones adopt Google Assistant and Day Dream. And there are three colors available—quite black, very silver and really blue. Starting at $ 649, Pixel acts in accordance with iPhone 7. No wander that even some certain people tend to name Pixel as Gphone!

Pixel系列分为两种:5寸Pixel与5.5寸Pixel XL。Pixel手机内置Google Assistant并且兼容Day Dream平台的手机。而且手机提供三色可选:黑色、银色与蓝色。而且标价649美元起,这和苹果想法一致。怪不得有人呼唤将Pixel直接改为Gphone!

In comparison with the releasing Google Assistant, Siri of iPhone is so embarrassed. Google Assistant is super intelligent such as it can communicate with users logically,  play music immediately after you talk to it and guide you to where you want to. Google Assistant says goodbye to Siri and leaves it behind. Seemingly, Google is so ambitious with human-phone intelligence.

Google Assistant一出来,什么苹果Siri一比都弱爆了。Google Assistant超级智能,可以进行有逻辑的对话,你想听歌直接报名字马上手机自动响起歌曲,询问地点它可以指导你前行等等。Google Assistant甩Siri一大截,看来Google公司对人机智能野心十足。

Performing the function of Day Dream, users take a VR headset combining with phone. As reported, its operation is extremely simple and easy. Accompanied with a controller, you can control with two buttons. Particularly, it is so suitable for the lazy who will bust into crazy if there are so sophisticated with many buttons. Even, you can enjoy sightseeing on Day Dream. With Day Dream, the users are able to scamper across the world lying at home.

Day Dream是通过头戴VR设备与Pixel手机结合实现的,而且配备控制器。据说,操作非常简单,遥控器上只有两个按钮。这款特别适合懒人,按钮太多他们就扛不住了!甚至,Day Dream还支持观光旅游,用户可以躺在家里、足不出户游世界。

If one of photographing lovers, you must get benefits. As learned, shooting scene of the newly releasing Pixel gets 89 the highest mark in DxO Mark testing and surpasses the former top one iPhone 7. It never rains but pours.

喜欢拍照的朋友,福利来了。据了解,刚出世的Pixel手机的镜头在DxO Mark评测中得最高分89,超越刚居榜首的iPhone 7。真是不鸣则已一鸣惊人!

In addition, Pixel has quick-charge ability and it can run for seven hours with charging for only 15 minutes. Moreover, Pixel supports quick data switching and it is very convenient for the users. Suddenly, iTunes of iPhone comes in upon my mind, I can’t help laughing and we can’t be tricked by iTunes any more!





There are still many highlights for the clever one to find out. What we can predict is Google will lead a revolution!!!


Knowledge Points (知识点)


美 ['bɔɪst(ə)rəs] 英 ['bɔɪst(ə)rəs]

adj. 热闹的;充满活力的;活蹦乱跳的

noisy and full of life and energy


"Lucky for you! " he greeted Martha with boisterous glee.



美 ['skæmpər] 英 ['skæmpə(r)]

n. 奔跑;匆匆忙忙旅行[浏览,涉猎]

v. 欢快地奔走;蹦蹦跳跳

v. to move quickly with short light steps


Let the dog for a scamper.


It is dangerous to scamper through the street.



美 ['daʊdi] 英 ['daʊdi]

adj. 缺乏魅力的,不时髦的,过时的单调的;不雅致的,不美观的

n. 邋遢女人

adj. not attractive or fashionable; dull or boring and not attractive


You really don't like a village girl although you said you dress dowdy.


★ 作者:陈珺洁


★ 编校:刘洋



《无人生还》And Then There Were None),原名《孤岛奇案》,是著名的英国侦探推理女王作家阿加莎·克里斯蒂的作品,也是她生涯中最著名的作品之一,被认为是历史上成就最高的推理小说之一,全球销量超过一亿册。被改编成多部影视、戏剧、漫画、游戏作品。小说巧妙地构思了八个素不相识的人受邀来到海岛印第安岛上,后来十个人都被谋害的精彩推理剧情,情节跌但起伏却毫不荒诞。该书出版于1939年。


