Your Unknown Double Seventh Festival


Your Unknown Double Seventh Festival


Do you know that today is the Double Seventh Festival? Some people just reply with the answer—The Chinese Valentine’s Day! However, most people don’t really know the profound origin. As a matchmaker, many people go from single to double on the Double Seventh Festival. As a result, we must have some knowledge of its underlying cultural traditions.


The Cowherd and the Weaving Girl is one of the most renowned folk legends which is also the earliest Chinese version star story. In Ren Fang’s Shu Yi Ji who was in South and North Dynasty, there is one part saying--In the east of the river, there was a beauty who was the daughter of the God of heaven. She was a skillful and superb weaver and kept weaving year after year. And she weaved the glorious and splendid clothes. As a result, she was too busy to make up and dress up. The God showed mercy on her and married her to a cowherd who lived in the west of the same river. Since then, she neglected her weaving work and didn’t tend to return back to weave after she got married. Consequently, the God went on a rage and forced her to go back to the east of the river. Since that, the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl could only meet with each other once a year.


At the meanwhile, it is well-known that the Weaving Girl was a quite beautiful, smart, clever, skillful and handy fairy. So, the female mortals would like to take this opportunity to pray for great wisdom and superb skills. Even, they asked her for a happy and perfect marriage. Therefore, the Double Seventh Day is also called as the Begging Festival. In the Tang and Song poetry, skill begging was frequently mentioned such as one related poetry Wang Jian who was in Tang Dynasty said—In the night of the Double Seventh Day, the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl reunited on the Magpie Bridge. And every family couldn’t help looking toward the boundless and immerse sky. The skillful weaving females had been sewing for thousands of red lines.


Nevertheless, every legend has its loading birthplace. Like Zhejiang, it is the birthplace for the romantic legend Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. And Tianhe Mountain in Xingtai is the birthplace for the legend story of Cowherd and the Weaving Girl. Moreover, the largest and massive size ritual supplies MoKeLuo from Tang Dynasty to Qing Dynasty was unearthed in Xingtai. And Annuals of Neiqiu County is one of the earliest text in domestic which recorded customs and traditions of the Begging Festival concerning about the Double Seventh Festival. Besides, the largest ritual ceremony for the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl is in the temple fair of Neiqiu County.


Actually, every place has different traditions and memorial ways for the Double Seventh Festival. However, many customs activities have weakened with the passage of time. Even, some have faded away. Only the legend for the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl is still passed on among the civilians which stands for the loyalty in love!



matchmaker 美 ['mætʃ.meɪkər] 英 ['mætʃ.meɪkə(r)]

n. 媒人;牵线搭桥的人;红娘;月老

a person who tries to arrange marriages or relationships between others


The fate is waiting for the matchmaker!


I agree to go on a blind date as the matchmaker is my best friend.




It was late at night and strong chill in the air, the maid was still sitting on the stone chairs and kept watching the Altair and Vega at both sides of the Galaxy.

纤云弄巧,飞星传恨,银汉迢迢暗度。金风玉露一相逢,便胜却人间无数。-- 秦观《鹊桥仙·纤云弄巧》

Thin clouds are creating delicate works and showing off their performance. Falling stars

carry the deep sorrow. Even though, the Milky Way is quite vast. Reuniting in such a cool breeze blowing night, their rendezvous outshines many a worldly date.

What will you do on this special day?

本月共读《The Great Gatsbty》英文版


☞ 作者:陈珺洁,感性与理性的融合,渴望汲取世间最美的精华,跨越世界去进行无止尽的修行!我在英语共读等你!

