作家名片 | 黄蓓佳:写作,氤氲着快乐,也孕育出奇迹






Huang Beijia

Huang Beijia was born in Rugao, Jiangsu Province in June 1955. Her parents were both middle school teachers. Because of her family’s advantageous conditions, she read many more works of literature than her peers in that small city. Graduated from Peking University in 1982 with a degree in Chinese. A member of the sixth and seventh general committee of the Chinese Writers Association, she is a professional writer. Her first work was published in 1973, and she joined the Chinese Writers Association in 1984. Among her representative works are the novels Family (Jia Ren Men), All of It (Suo You De), and Pupil (Tong Mou). Her writing has received China’s national awards for outstanding children’s literature and outstanding children’s picture book, as well as the Bing Xin Children’s Literature Award. Her works have been adapted into films, television shows, and plays, which have received the“Golden Box” award for international television, the Huabiao Award for outstanding Chinese cinema, and the Flying Asparas Award (also known as the Feitian Award) for outstanding Chinese television. Many of her works have been translated into French, German, Russian, Japanese, and Korean.

Huang Beijia’s early works largely depict the lives of young intellectuals. Romantic and aesthetic in nature, they were well-received among young intellectual readers. Her writing gradually moved toward realism during the late 1980s, although they still focused on the depiction of intellectual characters. Her style veered toward melancholy, grief, and anxious indignation. She “hoped to find a superior form of that would allow her to recount her observations and feelings for life, as well as her understanding of it.” During this stage of her writing career, Huang Jiabei made breakthroughs in at least three regards. First, she expressed her aspiration to pioneer many different topics and themes. Second, she developed her life in a life direction. Third, she displayed her passion and ability for absorbing new impressions of life in a distinct manner. The shift in her means of creativity was a clear statement of the nonstop continuation of the author’s creative life. As Huang Beijia transformed her own creative means in a contemporary manner, she quickly caught critics’ eyes.

Huang Beijia’s most representative novel, Family, follows an ordinary family in a small city in central Jiangsu province. A striking period tragedy blotted with psychological wounds, it powerfully depicts the love and hate, abandonment and redemption, and betrayal and escape between mother and son, between brother and brother, and between relatives. Written with a meticulous style, the novel provides a realistic portrayal of the era, society, marriage, and the confusion of time.

The short story collection Jewelry Road (Luo Jia Lu), published in 2017, gathers several of the author’s recent short pieces. Many of the stories in this collection take place within a span of three decades. This deliberate window of time opens up a corresponding space, and the author’s restrained writing and strong control of her prose artfully creates a rare sense of pleasure derived from the pure action of reading.

Huang Beijia’s children’s novel Pupil, published in 2016, was listed among that year’s “Good Books of China.” The book focuses on a group of children in a small town in southern China and follows them as they grow. As we see through the protagonist’s naive eyes, we observe the many states of Chinese society and life during the 1970s, when material goods were scarce and poverty and illness were widespread. These children come of age amid adverse circumstances, experience life’s beauty and gloom, and also develop their own judgment and character.

英文审校 | 咸慧

编辑 | 朱贺芳


