


David Graddol concludes that monoglot English graduates face a bleak economic future as qualified multilingual youngsters from other countries are proving to have a competitive advantage over their British counterparts in global companies and organizations.
Alongside that, many countries are introducing English into the primary-school curriculum but British schoolchildren and students do not appear to be gaining greater encouragement to achieve fluency in other languages.
curriculum / kəˈrikjələm / n. 学校课程
encouragement / inˈkʌridʒmənt/ n. 鼓励
fluency  / ˈflu:ənsi / n. (外语的)流利
Alongside that, many countries are introducing English into the primary-school curriculum but British schoolchildren and students do not appear to be gaining greater encouragement to achieve fluency in other languages.
1. 本句是由but连接的并列句,前半句主干为主谓宾宾补结构,即:many countries/ are introducing/ English/ into the primary-school curriculum; 译为:许多国家正在将英语引入小学课程。alongside表“与……一起”,因此alongside that 可译为:“与此同时”或“此外”。
2. 后半句主干为主系表结构,即:British schoolchildren and students /do not appear/ to be gaining greater encouragement to achieve fluency in other languages.
其中appear 类似seem, 为系动词,表“看起来”。该句可直译为:“英国学童和学生似乎没有受到更多的鼓励去学会流利地使用其他语言。”也可意译为:“似乎没有更多人鼓励英国的学龄儿童和学生们流利掌握其他语言。”
If left to themselves, such trends will diminish the relative strength of the English language in international education markets as the demand for educational resources in languages, such as Spanish, Arabic or Mandarin grows and international business process outsourcing in other language such as Japanese, French and German, spreads.
