雅思口语| 常说的词是interesting, boring,怎么短期拿到7分?

1 加上倍数

When you compare this to most of the other classes we had, it was a thousand times more interesting. 当你拿这节课和其他课比较的时候,会发现这节课会有趣一千倍。

2 加上副词

I don't think this so-called big movie is terribly interesting to watch.


And his rhetoric is terribly interesting for many reasons. 这个修辞很有意思,原因在于几个方面。

I think the answer is to be found, or at least one answer-- the truth is there are many answers-- in that they are just terribly interesting, but that's very much of a-- what's the word I want, the opposite of objective subjective observation by me.


The rest of the world needs to keep this ridiculously boring sport to themselves. 让世界其他地方自己去玩这项无聊可笑的运动吧!

