雅思口语| Part1考题: Science科学

1 astronomy /əˈstrɒnəmi/ 天文学

Science is such a broad subject, so although I'm not really that interested in most of it, there are some areas of it that I think are pretty cool, such as astronomy for example, like how the universe came into being. 科学是个很广的学科,尽管我对大部分科学不是那么感兴趣,但是有些东西我觉得很好,像是天文学什么的,比如宇宙的起源。

2 do some experiments 做实验

We mainly just went through the text book and took notes, so it was pretty similar to other subjects. Though saying that, we occasionally did some experiments, which were quite fun, but unfortunately those classes were pretty few and far between. 我们主要是看书做笔记,所以和其他学科也很相似。说到这个,我们有时候也会做些实验,挺有意思的。但这种课很少,间隔也长。

3 have a gift for 有天分

You know, if for example, they didn't have science classes, then they would probably never know if they had a gift for it or not. So I think being exposed to as many things as possible at an early age really helps children develop their talents and interests. 如果没有科学课,他们就不会知道自己是否有天分,所以我觉得早点接触多一些东西能帮助孩子们发展自己的特长和兴趣。(用了虚拟语气)

4 combat diseases 与疾病抗争

Without science, technology wouldn't be able to progress, and in terms of combating diseases, we wouldn't be able to come up with vaccines and cures if it wasn't for science.没有科学,科技就不会进步,就治疗疾病方面,我们也不会有疫苗,也治愈不了。(用了虚拟语气)

