













Ode to Lu’an

Tr.Wu Haohao

Mount Huo is as high as the sky,

Knotweeds watch rivers passing by.

Tea leaves on the Grain Rain turn green,

Willows tender to the wind lean.

GaoYao made laws 'nd governed the state,

Liu Qing’s virtue lasts till this day.

One seems to be lost in hills 'nd rills,

Sweet smell of the wine the air fills.

Interpretation from the Poet:

Mount Huo is located southwest of the city Lu’an. Its peaks rise one after another, connecting the rolling highlands. Rivers such as Pi and Kongque are like silk ribbons, centering around the city. Knotweeds by riversides ruffle with the waves, sending forth a delicate fragrance. During the Grain Rain (the 6th solar term in Chinese calendar), tea leaves, which are main ingredients for Lu’an Guapian Tea, grow well and are ready for picking. Willows in the ancient villages dance with the spring breezes. The eastern city buries Gao Yao―the first judiciary in China. He was one of the four great sages in ancient times. The other three were Yao, Shun and Yu. Gao Yao assisted them in implementing criminal law and carrying out doctrines of humanization. Thanks to his efforts, the state was in good order. Lu’an was a manor of Liu Qing(113 B.C.-83 B.C.) in the Western Han Dynasty. As the first King of Lu’an, Liu Qing governed the state with great virtue. Hereby, he was posthumously titled King Gong for his generosity and loyalty.

Lu’an is a picturesque city with high mountains and clear waters. I am absorbed in its beauty. Taking a drink of its homebrew, say the Xiaodiao wine, I feel at home in Lu’an. How I wish I could stay here till the end of my life!

图一:六安(Photo 1: Lu’an)

图二:霍山(Photo 2: Mount Huo)

图片二来自微信(Photo 2 is taken from www.weixin.qq.com.)

图三:天堂寨(Photo 3: Heaven Village)

图四:皋陶墓(Photo 4: Tomb of Gao Yao)

图五:六安瓜片茶(Photo 5: Lu’an Guapian Tea

图五来自http://3158.tea.com/   Photo 4 is taken from http://3158.tea.com/

图六:小吊酒(Photo 6: Xiaodiao Wine)


陆地,北京大学新闻与传播学院教授、博士生导师,北京大学视听传播研究中心主任。中国人民大学新闻学博士,中国首位新闻传播学博士后(复旦大学)。曾任蚌埠日报、中国青年报、北京电视台等新闻媒体的记者、主任编辑和清华大学新闻与传播学院教授。1998年以来,发表广播电视与新媒体以及文化产业等方面的论文300余篇、诗词300余首,出版专著、编著、译著等15部;2004年被中国广播电视协会评选为全国“十佳”广播电视理论工作者;先后创办每年一度的中国电视满意度博雅榜和中国网络视频满意度博雅榜。 博士招生方向:广播电视理论与实务研究;节庆礼仪文化与传播研究。



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