笔记 | 海绵窦解剖- Rhoton解剖视频学习
在The Rhoton Collection解剖视频中,《Cavernous Sinus and Middle Foss》这一章节与《Navigating the Temporal Bone(颞骨解剖)》有部分重复。本文从中将Cavernous Sinus(海绵窦解剖部分)截取出来并重新编排,制作了本篇学习笔记,共49张图片。错误之处,请批评指正!
Cavernous Sinus
Meckel's cave, here, comes forward to about the level of the trigeminal ganglion.
Then we open the Meckel's cave, this arachnid cavern,
and it extends forward to about the level of the big part of the ganglion.
Only V1 up here faces the cavernous sinus.
▼半月神经节(gasserian ganglion)及Meckel腔则属于中颅窝结构,其位于中颅窝三角内。 gasserian [ɡæ'siəriən]
Here we see the oculomotor nerve and it's in the oculomotor cistern that extends forward to about the tip of the clinoid process.
IV comes forward and then enters medially,across the top of 3rd division under the clinoid.
▼进而打开内听道(internal acoustic meatus)。我们需注意保护此处的耳蜗以保留听力。
The cochlea is at the cochlear angle between the labyrinthine segment and the greater petrosal nerve that we're going to preserve hearing.
▼位于岩大浅神经后方的这个三角是Kawase's三角,即后内侧三角(posteromedial triangle)
And in that triangle, we'll be drilling out petrous apex, to do an exposure down to the side of the clivus, and we can drill out the internal acoustic meatus
▼磨除颅中窝的颅底骨质后,我们将显露颞窝(temporal fossa)
And then we'll have the opportunity if you drill the bone along the floor,you see...what fossa?temporal fossa.
▼颞下窝(infratemporal fossa)
You'll open anteromedial and anterolateral triangle, and you're into sphenoid sinus.
▼现在我们去除三叉神经节。打开翼管,可见 岩浅大神经与发自颈动脉丛的岩深神经相汇合并继续前行形成翼管神经
▼下图示 岩舌韧带(petrolingual ligament)
What is this ligament? Petrolingual.
And this ligament passing above the 6th nerve?Gruber's ligament.
6th nerve always runs on the medial side of the 1st trigeminal division. Oftentimes when the sinus is peeled up and this area exposed, people say 'where is the 6th nerve?'. Well, if you just press V1,you see the 6th nerve here
下图示 床突三角(Dolenc三角)
▼动眼神经三角(oculomotor triangle)
▼滑车上三角(Fukushima三角)(supratrochlear triangle)
▼滑车下三角(Parkinson三角)(infratrochlear triangle)
▼前内侧三角(anteromedial triangle)
▼前外侧三角(anterolateral triangle)
▼后外侧三角(Glasscock三角)(posterolateral triangle)
▼后内侧三角(Kawase三角)(posteromedial triangle)
▼我们可以看到,当外展神经进入海绵窦后壁时,恰从岩下窦的上部穿过,这解释了为何岩下窦采血后会出现外展神经麻痹 这一临床现象。
And just a view, we've opened the clinoidal triangle,
神外前沿 E-mail:shenwaiqianyan@qq.com;