


We live in this world when we love it.

Rabindranath Tagore





We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.

We still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us.

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.

Albert Einstein


Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Macau, Dongguan, Zhongshan and other cities are in the the traffic circle for an hour which located around Qianhai. Qianhai is close to the Shenzhen Airport, the Hong Kong airport, railway transport hub and Shenzhen - Zhongshan Crossing the River channel. It has a good transportation resources sea, land and air, which is the most comprehensive advantages of the “Zhujiang River Delta”development area and a faster convergence with neighboring cities and regions.


Qianhai to Shenzhen airport only 15km; to Hong Kong by boating only 30km; 10mins driving to Futian CBD; 30 mins to Hong Kong by West Express Rail Line.


For 30 years, Shenzhen has functioned foremost as a special economic zone (SEZ) to overwhelming success. As the economy thrived the city developed to streamline its financial goals while ignoring many of the diversified human needs. The resulting city has lost much of its urban appeal. In order to continue its rapid development rate Shenzhen needs a new strategy for growth that also provides great urban life, making it a first class global destination where people love to work and live. In order to develop a great urban fabric Shenzhen needs to create a human-oriented special urban zone (SUZ) to replace the 'SEZ’ as its prime directive and initiate a new phase of strategic growth.


The concept of “360 degree city” is adopted as an organiztional strategy for the “SUZ”. This 'SUZ’ must create an internationally recognized icon while provide a framework that enhances Qianhai economy, activities, connectivity and ecology. Like the 'SEZ’, with success this new 'SUZ’ can serve as a development model for other Chinese and developing cites through out the world.

1 现有海岸线 Existing coast


Extend three districts (Bao’an, Nanshan, Mawan) to access coast plus creat forth Daschan district.


Extend green ecosystems and streams to connect with the bay.


Unite the urban districts and natural ecosystems with a great bay and 360 city.



Creat bay and city circles that respect existing developments while defining a great new metropolis.


Radial lines define the urban fabric and park zones.


A grand canal separates the 360 city from mainland Shenzhen while a series of inner waterways define 9 distinct urban islands and the four parks.


Piers and water inlets expand Qianhai coastline while provding premium waterfront parcels and spectacular views throught the city.

媒体时代城市借助标志引人瞩目,我们颠覆城市标志概念,让城市本身成为最强大的传播符号,成为google earth上醒目的奇观,向世界展现深圳的雄心。

In our current media driven climate, cities fight for attention by erecting landmarks. We subvert this mediocre method by making the city itself a landmark.

This icon becomes the strongest communication sign, broadcast internationally and visible from Google Earth. The icon reveals to the world the ambition of Shenzhen.


Most great metropolis have beautiful skylines that can only be experienced by leaving the city or from a distant shore. Qianhai will have the unique advantage of being able to experience the city from within. As Qianhai city takes over the harbor industries and completes the urban circle it will create a continuous skyline around the great bay: an inspiring panorama skyline within the 360 city.


The focus of Qianhai region is the Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation in the development of high-end services with the addition of pilot and offshore ventures. Includes: innovative finance, modern logistics, information networks, technology services, professional services, headquarters economy. The Canal as a boundary river supports this layout by enclosing a series of islands with independent management. The interlocking, nose to tail chains of commercial and service industries will thrive along the continuous central business loop and create a central district where commerce and networking can interact.










District Position:

Baoan District: continuation of the original function of positioning + demonstration area expansion

Ⅰ Core District: Headquarters gather area and financial gathering area

Ⅱ Core District: logistics and supply chain management services

Ⅲ Core District: the development of the core district of the reserve area, high-end services to upgrade the core district development.

Buffer zone: an integrated functional development area for the core area of high-end services to provide integration with the international system of specialized professional services and intermediary services, and research and development capabilities.


空间形态控制 Height Control

大铲港区30年后北迁,港区改造为核心3区宝安中心区,在保持原定位的基础上,顺应核心区高端服务业定位,逐渐升级大小铲岛保持其自然状态,为野生动物提供栖息地。保留前海湾电厂Qianhaiwan Power Plant,建议30年后搬迁。

Dachan Port will be moved to the north 30 years later, and transformed into the Core district No.3.Keeping the original position of Bao'an centre district, which will follow the new High-end service position and develop.Preserve the nature of Dachan & Xiaochan Islands to support wild animals.Preserve Qianhaiwan Power Plant at this time, and move after 30 years.

现状条件 Existing Condition

1. 有害废物填海区占据海岸的首要位置

Hazardous waste area in primecoastal location

2. 交通拥挤的公路破坏了海景和自然资源

Heavy traffic roads bisect thebay ruining coastal views and a premium natural resource.

3. 从海边穿过的繁忙的南坪快速

Heavy traffic road blocks cityfrom coast

4. 高压走廊破坏了天际线,并且给周围居民带来影响

Highpower electric lines ruin skylineand create dangerous conditionsfor residents.


The masterplan greatly facilitates a phased development. First we create a lock that separates the bay into a great sweet water reservoir capable of sustaining Qianhai rapid growth and allowing the reorganization of primary infrastructure. Initiating from the Qianhai station and extending toward south the 360 City will grow steadily for the next 10 years gradually adding in programs of free trades, finance logistics and live entertainments to form the modern logistic zone. With the industries upgrading, the freight terminal will gradually be shifted to the north and Qianhai bay area will transform into the supreme integrate cosmopolitan metropolis.




1. 在前海湾设立水闸,将脏海水隔离在外。

Create water lock at mouth ofQianhai bay and drain dirty sea water

2. 在海湾未建设前先行建设海底隧道和高速路

With empty bay build tunnels for freeway and highway roads

3. 结合高压走廊的位置和月亮湾大道建设南坪高速

Relocate highway along outer ringroad and combine with undetroundhigh power electrical wires

4. 铺设360度城市的基础设施

Install common infrastructure for 360 city

5. 取消有害废物的填海,把原有岛建设成自然保护区

Cancel hazardous waste facility and declare islands nature preserve


Phase 1 - Nanshan District Development + Parks

1. 发展南山、运河、码头系统、城市核心和地标

Develop nanshan, canal and pier system, urban core and landmark tower

2. 发展宝安海岸和宝安中心地标。

Develop bao'an coast and landmark tower

3. 建设文化公园

Create culture park for reative industries

4. 创建湿地公园污水处理系统。

Create research park and wetland system for cleaning water treatment effluent


Phase 2 - Mawan District Development

1. 发展妈湾、运河、码头系统和妈湾核心

Develop mawan, canal and pier system, and urban core

2. 发展妈湾主城区

Develop mawan mainland city

3. 发展沿海公园

Create great coastal park destination

4. 建设体育公园和湿地系统 ,从湖泊建立引水系统

Develop sport park and wetland system. Begin water release program from upper resevoir


1. 取消大铲岛,发展新的运河、码头系统和区域中心

Decommission daschan penninsula and develop new canal and pier

system, and urban core

2. 开发大铲岛北部区域

Develop north daschan coast



The many piers and inlets of Qianhai create a prolonged coastline allowing direct access from city to the bay. This extended coastline contributes 64km of coast and an abundance of activities related to this coastal life: Yacht Racing, Wind Surfing, Jet Ski, Sailing, Beach Volleyball, Beach Lounging, Sea Fishing, Coastal Walk, Diving, Triathalons, Swimming, Beach Walks, Bird Watching.


360°city is based on a radial fabric that is at once metropolis, coastal and park space layering the programs associated with each and creating a dynamic new urban experience for Shenzhen and the world. This increased access to water from everywhere in the city increases peoples ability to enjoy a coastal life and interact with local ecologies while creating desirable parcels and dramatically increasing buildable property values.

While the radial fabric of the dense core area and the skyscrapers create a bustling atmosphere and lead people to the water front, the semi-public Hybrid City build up more of a neighborhood environment, and the architecture within parks blend with the landscape. All these utterly different urban fabrics will supplement each other and create diversified and brilliant life experiences.


City Program Analysis



A sustainable city is vital, not just because of its carefulness to nature, but also because of the people who live there.

The city is a place to meet others. Human activities like living, working and recreation should not be isolated from each other, but mixed in a close harmony, related to the natural landscape, the urban scenery, the road system and the public space.

Through a cautious mix of different functions and building scales, a diverse and coherent urban fabric will be created for sustainable urban areas. Various urban structural ingredients with different scales, as well as various simultaneous complementary planning approaches are needed.



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